‘Hi all, I haven’t posted any information on Face Book that I haven’t researched first. My point is that we do not have a hospital crisis in Ireland nor in England. And that was the basis of our lockdown. Our hospitals are empty, our nurses and doctors are out of work, (Come on nursing staff, tell the people the truth) The World Governments have marketed a master plan through the media in manipulation, based on our emotions, in the guise of protecting our old people from a terrifying death from Covid 19. It sent a surge of fear through our nations of the terrible danger involved in contacting Covid 19 as we can spread it to our beloved family without even knowing and possibly kill them. And it certainly worked in spiralling a tornado of fear among the people of Ireland. But unfortunately for the governments, the 1000’s of predicted deaths didn’t manifest. So there was no need for a Shut Down of our lives and jobs and a hurdling of our Economy into the mud.

And I want answers from my Government as to why we’re still on Lock down?

Why is our business shut down and our staff unemployed?

Why are our schools shut down since 13th of March and my child and others with learning difficulties are suffering without support at home?

Why can’t we travel beyond 2K?

Why can’t we do leisure activities?

Where is the proof in facts and figures that we would catch anything in the outdoors?

I have written many letters. emails and tweets to all of my Government parties and individual TD’s, looking for answers to what they have done to try and make sense of it all. I haven’t received one reply. Not one. Not even on twitter. A Government that doesn’t answer the publics questions is cause for suspicion in my eyes.

And I’m sorry if this offends any of you guys on Facebook but this is me. I’ll go about my business like anybody else in Ireland, but the Government made one mistake for me, they stopped me seeing my grandchildren! That began my quest into finding the facts and figures from behind the scenes of Covid 19. And the basis of this Lock Down is corruption. Have no doubt.

Leo Vradkar was on the EU News two days ago offering to take on The EU’s debt and share it with ours. Leo is setting himself up for a nice career in the EU! Good enough for him. That doesn’t bother me, but really Leo, we are a country on our knees after your Lock down! And we all know the basis of decency, “You don’t kick a dog when it’s down!”

Terrible times are here, but not from a virus that our body is well able to fight off.

We have lost our freedom to live and our freedom of speech. And those words are in all of our constitutional rights!

Jean Murray xxx




Here we have it, this is who our government is waiting instructions from. This collaboration of strong, wealthy, powerful people. A World Wide coordination of international initiative behind The Covid 19 vaccine, (you will not see Donald Trump here, because he couldn’t be bought over; one of the reasons the media is making a laugh of him) The vaccine is supported by powerful actors, among others, by
. Emmanuel Macron President of the French Republic
. Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission
. Melinda Gates Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
. António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations
. Cyril Ramaphosa President of the Republic of South Africa Chairperson of the African Union
. Angela Merkel Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
. Paul Kagame President of the Republic of Rwanda
. Dominic Raab Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs United Kingdom
. Seth Berkley Chief Executive Officer GAVI
. Peter Sands Executive Director The Global Fund
. Muhammad Ali Pate, World Bank Group
. Jagan Chapagain SG of IFRC International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
. Thomas B. Cueni Director-General International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (IFPMA)
. Sai Prasad President Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network
and many others (Costa Rica, Spain, Malaysia, Norway, etc…)
So I know these powerful people are pushing for a Covid 19 vaccine. They are all extremely wealthy so is it about gaining more wealth or power? They are going to convince our government to take on this vaccine. A vaccine that has apparently being created and tested during the last four months which normal vaccine trials take a few years of testing. To my knowledge, based on 1000 people in hospitals around our Ireland today 27th April 2020, 40% with suspected Covid 19 and 60% with confirmed Covid 19 and that includes the ICU departments, I wouldn’t think we have a pandemic, not a need for a vaccine. It begs the question for me now, did this powerful conglomerate create the virus in the first place? And send it out by super spreaders? (carriers of virus that can spread a virus 20 times more than an average person) Did the have the vaccine in play already waiting to go? To fund themselves, to keep pharmaceutical companies continuously testing and creating antitotes? Or let me go all out here, it this vaccine to combat a chemical war? What ever the answers are, the one’s that your government are giving you are only half truths! And would you let your children have this Covid 19 vaccine? Do you think you would have a choice? Jean Murray. Ireland

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