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monsoon gecko wrote:Can’t see it really being negative..probably just another opinion,,,,just like reading about others refusing to use aluminum..
there he goes again … raising more questions …. what’s the go with aluminium? I just got some … the silver leaf feels positive to me, even though I haven’t received it yet!
Lightning wrote:I don’t resonate with Iron either- I have too much longtime association between it and the Roman Empire’s warlike ways.
I would think that one could make orgonite with Iron, with the intention of clearing that old energy … which leads me to another question … if a piece of orgonite was gifted to the ocean and it had metal come in contact with the water and rust, that would stay on the outer layer of the orgonite (I’m guessing) and wouldn’t permeate in …. and I wondered if the rust would be a ‘negative’ … after all, iron is a strengthening to the blood …and another question … re giving the orgonite a second skin (like double-dipping) …. could fibreglass resin be used as a final coat instead of polyester resin? or would that change the vibration? you might be sorry I joined this forum ….thanks, Josh … makes a lot of sense … Garry (who I’ll be making the orgonite with) feels that certain crystals would not want to go together … for similar reasons … hadn’t thought of the metals, though, so thanks! we’re going out to the crystal shop today … I’ll be in heaven
Linda, I’m also gathering materials to make my first batch of orgonite … hence the gold leaf and silver leaf! I won a couple of auctions on eBay to give it a go before I buy 100 sheets .. I thought with silver having healing properties, that it would be great for orgonite … I want to make my first batches as simple, yet effective, as possible … I haven’t found anything on the internet re it not being the ‘best’ thing to use …. so yeh, Stephen, what goes?
welcome, Anna .. stick around and you’ll meet some nice people, too!
Lindajosh wrote:
It is our feelings to desire the undoing of many nefarious things around us, and as we are making this device or this one we are limiting our selves to an area of affect; two miles, four miles, twenty miles…do you mean due to the size of the orgonite being made, its benefits are ‘limited’ (or we believe they are) to a ‘short’ distance …. ?
josh wrote:
A good way to stretch our thinking is to try to build something that will affect all the way around the world …in size or intent?
josh wrote:
It is as if we practice throwing a stone at twenty feet; we will never know our true capacity until we practice to throw that stone two hundred feet, we likely never will throw that rock two hundred feet, but we sure will, in the process, go much further then twenty.I like to imagine the orgonite pieces connecting with other orgonite around the globe, which kinda makes a mandala grid of orgonite energy …
is that what you mean? or are you putting out a suggestion to make humungous (very huge) pieces?
josh wrote:
Make sense?
JoshI might be listening with an accent …
I agree with your thought of the ancient energy lines waking up..I feel the same…
I´ve also seen a time when crystal would be our source of energy…didn´t see it as being via orgonite until I came across orgonite
I haven´t started making any yet, but am gathering materials and bugging Stephen with some questions…
I think I´ve become addicted…have a beautiful day , everyone
another LIndaI thought I’d already posted somewhere that the orgonite I made with the paramagnetic rock really rocks!
have taken some photos, but won’t be able to get them posted up here ’til later in the week, or maybe a tad later …question, Stephen …. you mentioned that you’d put Nag Champa oil in with a plasterite mix you made, and that it was quite strong …
can you still smell it now?
does it subside when the plasterite’s wet, and come out again when it’s drying?
just something I wondered ….how wondermous!
Stephen, thank you for the paramagnetic earth … it’s got a great energy, even before I opened the post bag! I love it! it’s similar, yet different, to the pillow …
I’d like to add some of the rock pieces to the resin orgonite I make … I’m pouring tomorrow, too!
josh wrote:
I have tried the neo magnets with the blender … but I like the Paramagnetic rocks much betterI’m drawn to that more so than charging water in a blender … aim of both procedures is to charge the water, right? blenders are noisy things ..
josh wrote:
Your new medicine bag will help you clear your environment, especially confusion (that is a powerful tool in the bag of the nefarious one) so with this in hand look around you for the kind of medicine you can do to alleviate all of this,I have noticed there has been less confusion, but not until you mentioned it …
thank you, Josh! I have been spending noticeably less time at the computer (I haven’t been able to access this forum since my last post!) … and looking for ways to do even less computer stuff …
yes, now that I think about it, lots of little changes in choices … subtle, but they’re all making a difference and steering me in ways that are outside the ‘norm’ (for me) …
hope to be able to get some plaster and sand this weekend ..
monsoon gecko wrote:
Linda, I’ll send you a bag to play with on Monday.thank you, Stephen ..
is it the same as what I’ve heard called rock dust? I’ve looked online but can’t find an answer …
I had some for the garden I used to have way back when (10 years ago?) … it had a good energy to it, and the plants loved it!I’ll pillow the water and sit it on the paramagnetic earth, too ..
Josh, that is beautiful! well done, Catherine!
must find myself a traffic cone and get the plasterite materials …. sand, pillowed crystal water, plaster and prayer, right? I’m slowly making my way through the old posts to get the picture …
EDIT: Josh, in an earlier post in this thread you’ve said “Now dont get any gray hair if you find your self with some plaster left over in your mixing bucket, it will get hard, then in your next batch, you simply add it to the mix, no waste” …. do you break it up and mix it in with the new slurry, or just drop in the chunks of dry plaster?
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