The Irish Topic

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  • This topic has 451 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago by Avatar photoEK.
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  • #13882

    Sister and daughter


    With Patricia


    An oldie..





















    Stephen Geddes
    I;ve made a ton of plasterite over the years ,
    All time favourite is the electricity grid broadcasters ,,,, or BSB
    (blue sky broadcaster)….not only creates an pleasant orgone field , cleaning electricity in the home , but neighbours benefit and all those back down the line
    Plasterite Bernoulli rings are pretty wild energy too
    Refreshing to share these plasterite adventures youtube link .
    Worth a bookmark …. cheers…/UCw9Y3GpFOPjkywFFp22pMWA/videos




    BSB  or Bee as Bee or Be as Be














    It was great to get a start off to Workshops for Spring 2021 when 5 great women came to my house yesterday. The conversation beforehand was stimulating, at one stage I was wondering should we forget all about pouring Plasterite and keeping the chat going .


    Once we got into our stride it was ‘all go’ and they created 3 lovely cones and lots of small pieces, in all at least one and a half bags of plaster were used up, equalling to about 65 kilos of Plasterite going all over the country – to Meath, Offaly and different locations in Dublin. I hope some of you ladies will attach a photo of what you made as I focussed on doing videos and only took a few photos.

    We were very lucky with the weather as it rained quite a bit the previous night. I very much appreciated the tidying up that was done afterwards, both inside and outside.
    There would be something to be said for organising – hard to know what to call it – ‘activist coffee mornings’ where we can all let off steam and exchange experiences and have the pleasure of meeting in person instead of communicating in chat groups. Just a thought.









    Crys Shine has collected a LOT of information on this and other techniques on his website (the link is on the right hand side here) or at least it was till I got changed over to the new look FB format, but not sure how easy it is to access it. Yannick shows many interesting techniques in his igloo greenhouse, and the growth in there is fascinating. It does seem to make a big difference having plants all ‘jumbled together’ as would happen in a natural situation.

    Murielle Celis and I assembled a ’round tower’ yesterday in the mud, but at least the rain stopped just as we started. We taped together two pieces of pipe, Murielle found the most southerly point in the garden and the best spot to place it. The ground was nice and soft so the whole job didn’t take long. When the pipe was in place we poured in the volcanic rock dust; it took about a bag and a half, leaving me lots to spread over the garden soil; or dig it in.

    Murielle had found the perfect rock to put on the top, we are sure it is basalt and has a nice pyramidal shape and the size is just right. It will be interesting to see does it make any difference to the growth in the garden.

    I’m still thinking of what Pamela was recommending – that we do some experimenting with Plasterite in relation to electroculture. Waiting for inspiration – anybody ??








    Kathryn Rogers

    It’s lovely to see you out in nature…good vibes   :P


    Here’s some memories from Juliet going back a few years.


    We were talking recently about ‘blinging up’ Plasterite and Juliet said she has lost a lot of photos including these ones.


    I knew the ultimate record keeper EK aka Crys Shine aka webmaster would have them saved, he found them in about 5 minutes or less. Much appreciated thanks EK and so lovely to look back on your great collection Juliet.











    I had a lovely afternoon helping a friend Rachel to make Plasterite Selenite. She only found out about it a couple of months ago, looked up a video, and decided to do it herself. She did well to get everything organised but unfortunately the results were not great, for some reason the pieces did not harden up. Maybe the plaster was old. So she invited me to come along and run through everything.


    We started by using Skimcote to make what should be a 20 kilo cone. All went well except the large bucket we were mixing it in sprang a leak so we had to mix quickly, holding the bucket at an angle away from the leak – maybe there was not quite as much mixing time as usual ! She added quite a few crystals, essential oil, Kitchen sink essences, a piece of copper tubing she had in just the right size. She won’t try to unmold it until tomorrow – it seemed to be setting – fingers crossed!

    Then we made some smaller pieces with a pretty plaster she bought in a craft shop. It set well and is a nice light coffee colour. Of course we used a lot of intentions during the creation.














    It came to my attention that lady Rachel is not on CIA book, smart move Rachel :)

    I have to be there but …yes..long story , under fake name of course but …never mind…point is heard from ..someone….you made a somewhat wacky start, like me, so , in short best not to make it complicated that is the main thing, keep it simple, it is worth a new bag of plaster of Paris aka gypsum….that is a must be, not an old one from years ago from the gardenhouse …. mix ratio is on the bag but we usually do one on one, one ration plaster, same ratio water,
    do not make it more complicated, at least not in the start, one can do that later.
    Sills have to be build up….step by step…

    You will get there, they have a pleasant feeling
    You are like me, want to do ten recipes in one go , that usually does not end well…
    We love all energy junkies
    Shall I say welcome to the tribe.
    Do not doubt yourself that is the task of others  

    Good luck


    It has been a struggle.


    Over the years, how long now, too long  :D ….we hopped on many platforms, it is all al long long story with many ups and downs, but we made it, finally, gosh it was a struggle. To make a long story short, did a lot of brushing up here, for many reasons, as we have to get back to our roots. We have to get back to the light, the essence, the core of it all, the healing part. There are many reasons I left a lot out of it now, could write books about it. Again, we have to get back to the light, that is essential, that is what we do here , now. Not sure if we will do many posts, we did thousands hahaah, oh my  :lol:

    Also have to put back in the emoticons , as Jenn loves them, we will do that later. Very glad the migration of the domain was completed successfully , it went smooth, to my surprise. We live in troublesome times and it is easy to give up hope, faith, whatever, it is understandable but we have to be aware that there is more to all of this. Easier said than done but we keep on rocking.
    I , we, won´t give the bastards the satisfaction that is it really by throwing in the towel.

    We will not move again, it is now or never, we will stay here till hell freezes over.
    May take a while, hopefully.

    Everything is at is should be, if I wanted could put up a thousand extra post and ten thousand more photos and what have you but we must go back to our roots now and keep strong. Also, we are dealing with tons of newcomers, those just coming out of the darkness into the light.
    That is also a reason for the overhaul here, to make it all more accessible , less ” heavy” , more down to earth so to speak.
    Lower the threshold ….make it easier or less daunting for newbies to take their first steps into changing the world, one step at a time.

    Even though Jenn et moi have been in this for quite a while, it is not really that long and yet it seems like a life time to me or longer, weird but true.
    Once someone touches the selenite things will change, in many ways, and once you start doing the healing little things I call them, little things start coming into your life , also from the dark side as they are aware of it all, do not be mistaken, they are aware, very much so.
    Never underestimate the enemy that is all I have to say.
    Yet, there is nothing they can really do about it and that is how it should be but there will be little things on your path.
    So be aware of that and don´t be afraid, you will overcome, as long as you stay in the light nothing can touch you.
    But they will try be assured of that,guaranteed.


    No matter how dark it gets and it will
    There is a lot more to all of this

    Do not give up hope, yes it is real but there is more to it , do not be blinded by the false light.
    That is enough for now, as I am a bit tired as it has been a bit much.
    Not eighteen anymore…  :P


    It is all good.

    cheers for now.


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