Magnet experiment

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Joined: 22 May 2024, 12:41

Magnet experiment

Unread post by Monsoon Gecko »

by monsoon gecko on Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:34 am
My science mate , with whom I've shared many spiritual , etheric and organic adventures and trials suggested a new technique to experiment the other day.
He's an excellent guineapig ! It's using magnets to ground yourself as the earth's magnetic field is getting weaker .
The 2 magnets used are 2cm diameter and thin, about 1mm thick and taped to sole of foot while sleeping and during day..
just below ball of foot in the arch part in line with big toe.. The magnets are of low gauss..pulled off back of small electronic something as Positive side has
glue remains...However if you want to try, the south pole goes on skin on left foot and north pole on skin on right foot.... specfically...
You can specify which pole is N or S by using a compass or other marked poles repel, unlike poles attract.
He did suggest after a week or so's use ,that this could bring on cleansing phenomena if an area of the body needs un-blocking etc and probably not such a good idea to randomly promote
What the heck.!..... I'm game..2 nights and days now . Tape just before going to bed, wear next day and take off for afternoon till night and bed. Then on again
Result..felt pretty good. can sense more energy during the fact feel quite bubbley, boyent and don't realise untill it dawns on me several times each day.
I guess it.s just feeling unusually ...Great.!......early days...will see how I'm going in a week . Might be just a charge up , like when first using orgonite or a zapper
or plasterite
His lady has them in her shoes ..can be done elsewhere but can't remember specifics for polarities , which is apparently important. eg wrist etc
Interesting !........yo
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Joined: 22 May 2024, 12:49

Re: Magnet experiment

Unread post by Lightning »

Hi Monsoon Gecko ,

Thanks for posting that; Please keep on doing it, too, I want to know how it goes for you after a week or so.

If you don't mind answering- ummm, do you deal with any particular health issue? Don't have to answer if you don't want to of course, I'm just trying to gauge the advisability of it, being chicken and all, ya know .


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Joined: 22 May 2024, 12:41

Re: Magnet experiment

Unread post by Monsoon Gecko »

on Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:20 am

Hi Linda.....funny. lost one magnet yesterday, Picked up scissors from table that the magnets had attatched they do...heard a ping and one sailed you think I could find it ? Mate turned up with couple of sets today...turns out they are from old magnetic bed overlay, thus low gauss. I slept well with magnets taped to feet but feel I'll just use when going out with shoes...after all, my place pumps orgone so probably not necessary, and I live in the bush, not concrete jungle.

So off to work tomorrow, lightfooted with magnets.... I certainly picked up on good vibe so experimenting.
Health ? Smoker and drinker (purified home brew and spirits)(cokacola is my downfall!), but have totally absteined from medication for 20 years + ....kept well away from the sickness industry. I'm grateful for occasional cleansing phenomena. !

It's the bodies' way of eliminating toxins..natural, that should not be blocked or leads to bigger problem later.
So I guess no health problems..56 in a couple of days and noting the quickening of time

Interesting isn't it ?

Swear by colloidal silver and zapper from OrgoniseAfrica. These keep the bugs and future buds under the thumb.
So I'm always happy to find techniques that work, With Earth's magnetic field weakening , this may be big benefit !
Enjoy ............Yo.
Posts: 110
Joined: 22 May 2024, 12:41

Re: Magnet experiment

Unread post by Monsoon Gecko »

Update,,,so magnets now in shoes , with correct orientation.
Only wear them when going home..thongs or barefoot.
I've noticed, on afterthought/reflecting , on "days out" everything on cruise
mode, don't get phased too much at all.....I think it works ! ! !
Regardless, easy to forget they are there, just another technique that
seems to work........nothing negative.......enjoy.

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