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This is what I posted on the Plasterite Affirmation Group page just now.
“Starting to remind people interested of our ‘date’ for tomorrow, Sunday, 3rd January 7 p.m. Irish time. Can we return to the lovely affirmation written by Tony Geron which is:
‘I wish to see an end to geo-engineering, a return to blue skies, a boost to plasterite/selenite all over the world to achieve this. I call for the HELP of the Elemental Kingdom, for it is their Home as well. In particular, I will Call upon, the Cloud Nation, The Over Soul of the Wild Geese, the Sylphs of the Air, and the All of the Fairy Realm, to Honor and Assist our Prayers, Intentions and Affirmations of Transformation, Elimination, and Purification of our Beloved Earth, Skies and Waters, in our Unity of Love, our Community of Respect. So Mote It Be! AHO!’
As it’s the new year can I appeal you to take time to do this, it will only take 2 minutes. I will also be ‘intending’ that there is an explosion of Plasterite/Selenite makers in 2016, it’s very much needed. Also that people who know how to make it get back to it with gusto. Hugs.