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ah na na na….
, it s your lot there who do the real deal
so the least I can do if give you all a cuddle
there are not too many of us around so we must stick together
working on all avenues
to do what we feel must be done to make a difference
Yes the grumpy young man does have weakspots
As live is there to be lived and to be enjoyed
I did overlook that as being very focussed on the tasks at hand
you know, the agendas , I take those agendas very serious
and they are very serious
but all work and no joy makes Jack a dull ….
thank you for you encouragement and efforts and tremendous energy
to pump the plasterite into Ireland
Really amazing work, top work, champions, all of you
Murielle s life pillows and yours too are breathtaking
a very high standard
just like that