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No I dont mind, I believe in freedom you see…. , works in all ways, this share ideas and comments to make a better world thing we are so hot about :)
yes, sure, say how you see it all, it is appreciated Jennifer, dont worry. ;) :)
Well, it s not just that, the bright eyes bushy tailed, it s more than that , I know you just get the natural method rather fast and as good as it can be
you dont hesitate and all that, what we usually see, these endless discussion of people with an ancient mindset trying to cramp the selenite into their rigid believe system, that usually fails, as selenite is beyond that mumbo jumbo.
Love to put things across in a more black and white fashion, you see, to “steer you up” and see what happens as I know real truth is always somewhere in between
and this way you can get your point of view into the light by touching on topics , bouncing of ideas etc
Your more subtle point of view , throwing attention on differences , putting things into another perspective , all that is welcome.
This thing that s going on can only be beaten on a multiple level approach
from a more or less individual standpoint as that cannot be controlled
Nevertheless I think you do yourself and your county a great favor of integrated free life force energy into your arsenal to deploy.
I am a great supporter of all sorts of action, regardless what , whether it is marches, leaflets, does not matter, all work counts at one leve or another
keep that in mind
Also, I prefer to be realistic, very realistic, that s why those who speak truth get kicked out most forums rather fast
if I would enter them which I dont…never have…
The outcome is not high enough for me, that s my opinion
it is still a good effort to wake folk up, do the marches, all that
I love to call a dog a dog as that s what obviously nobody seem to be doing these days
just say it as it IS
it wont happen, all hoopla, with a few exception like your club over there
that is an exception not a rule
Also as they poison us , big time now, for over a decade it is not too farfetched to say they will not stop it
not at this point, GM food, chemtrailing , etc, that s how I see it
and unless serious proof shows otherwise I think that s how it is
Agenda 21 is the agenda for the future
that s how they see it and they work on it big time
I always advice folk to look at the carincom movie , it s about chemtrails
very accurate, no hoopla and fantasy BS there
just facts
it is an older movie now, and right from the start those who protested where facing this brick wall of propaganda
by the system
as far as I see it , they just laugh at us, all the time
well not all the time, the moment blue sky appears the helicopters and god knows what is put in gear to tackle that
disinfo machinery
that s what I see and what I ve experienced
first row I might say
the core of the issue is you must do all you can in whatever way, also the marches and that, to keep pushing
even if it seems not be doing too much at first , there is more to it
so yes , you must continue
well I dont know where you lot get the energy from to do all this but it is good work and must be maintained.

At least you do that, in a lot of other countries they cant get people of their butt to do anything
I do hope so J, I do hope so
that more will be start thinking about all of it you march for
I do hope so
Also we are not in that luxury position to endlessly debate this or that as we are pumped through the roof
In that sense I think bringing life force energy shields or canopies or if you have to call it that Orgonite energy grids is worthwhile
as it does achieve immediate results, but it is not the only way, as it is like healing wounds and that s where you mob come in
to make it stop
so we dont have to plug holes all the time
you see
that s how it is
that s why your work is so important
and all others involved naturally

so all in all we have to work in tandem so to speak
one punch is not gonna do it
it has to come from different levels and in that respect it is worthwhile work , the protesting etc.
It needs to be done
and I know immediate results cannot be expected
but it is working for the future
and I love that work

by the way , today I took some big sea shells to work, gifted them in the area, full of this plasterite
and it was fabulous, big cleaning, huge sylphs haha
amazing, just a few sea shells with that mix
So I still do my field work you see
you are an exceptional “group” as you are still in a large way individuals
I hope it stays that way