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G’day all. still can’t post photos but I guess this is the next best … C01328.jpg … C01354.jpg
(admin note I put hem in here directly)
Also used copper powder, beach sand and a heap of other gems…the synergy of 12 is in top
1/3 of cone… being first giant cone , I wanted to give it “the best”….good fantasy anyway ,, ha haDare I ask for a Bovis reading ?
Postby Spirit Walker on Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:41 am
Thanks Monsoon!!! My daughter has suffered from depression and some other serious emotional issues, so her embracing these creations the way that she has is both very heart warming and encouraging. I can feel their energy without even trying now, and just as you mention, it seems to get stronger as the piece dries out, at least to my senses. These seem to be broadcasting on a very high frequency/vibration…. To be honest, the more of them I can get her to paint and keep in her room, the better!!!! LOL
Her emotional well being really seems to have improved since I started making these, there is a joy about having them around that is uncanny. She was a little embarrassed I took the pics and put them up, after she had seen what Catherine made, but I kept telling her that there is no wrong, there is no bad, when you open your heart to allowing the beauty to flow outwards into a design. I love the sound of your latest, please see if you can post a pic when you get a chance, I would love to “feel” it too!!!!!
Thank you so much Steve!!! It really helps to get a unbiased reading on what we are making. Your readings helped me to confirm my inner tickle. What I have learned is I just can’t always change things to make the inner Tony happy with his wild delight in “improving” upon things…
So putting sand in does make it stronger, but there is a limit to how much sand should be added into the mix ratio it feels like.
The blessing in all of this is seeing those Bovis readings, and accepting that my paradigm has shifted again, in allowing even more unknown ways to work with energy to manifest in something so wonderfully easy and fun to make.
by Spirit Walker on Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:09 pm
Hey Steve!
Thank you!!!! I’m sorry if I was confusing in my request, and now I think you read the right two, but not sure… LOL 1st one is on page 7, first photo of something I made (had black sand mixed in), against 1st one on page 11, now with white sand/sea salt mix, both should be same mold/form/size…. I think… LOL
I appreciate your help!!!
Thanks and Blessings!
Thanks Josh!!
I’m fighting tooth and nail with my biggest affliction…. to meddle. I’m cutting back on what I think or want to do, and am just coming closer to simpler things. Last bowl was maybe 1/4 comprised of sand/sea salt mix. I know this may sound utterly and completely mad or crazy, but I think I get something and would share…. I bought some black sand at the same time I bought the “normal” beach sand, and have made a couple of the initial ones with it (what my daughter painted) but since then, have not used black. What I was going to share is this: Plasterite LOVES White. Plasterite IS WHITE. More than color, it is PURITY. I can not explain it better. It doesn’t want ugly “dark” things in it… LOL When I was mixing the latest, it felt like it LOVED the sand/sea salt mixed, I mean LOVED… could almost feel it. I added some small gemstones and such, didn’t get that same goosy feeling. Not that it’s “wrong”, I just felt like “She” wanted a certain frequency that usually manifested in something “light” colored. Now the ocean blue small gems…. ahhhhhhhh. LOL Sorry, but I had to share. There are no fumes to make me crazed, so must be something else…
Getting ready for another batch shortly, I’m really rethinking and going to “listen”. OK, so I don’t know everything… yet! LOL
Yes, they are like glo in the dark colors, hot pink, bright orange, electric blue, sour apple green.
My daughter painted these 3, forgive the quality, battery was dying on a old camera…
My favorite, but again bad lighting and blurry, bummer! I swear they are stronger when painted…Still playing with my proportions on this latest round. First pic has double the sand in it, and didn’t stir it into plaster. If Steve would not mind, I am just curious if you could do a reading on the very 1st pic I uploaded (same mold) and the 1st from this group??? Please? I know what my inner sense tells me from the moment I made them, but would love some confirmation on which might have a higher reading, to see if I over tweaked or not…
I love the latest pics that Catherine painted, just fantastic. I showed my daughter the pics, she LOVED them too! I can see I must buy much more plaster and especially more paint, she has now grabbed everything that is dry and is painting it… LOL
Hot pink is not my color, but I must say, it seems to really kick up the energy spectrum a tad on some of this stuff… Yeeee ha!
Still playing with my proportions on this latest round. First pic has double the sand in it, and didn’t stir it into plaster. If Steve would not mind, I am just curious if you could do a reading on the very 1st pic I uploaded (same mold) and the 1st from this group??? Please? I know what my inner sense tells me from the moment I made them, but would love some confirmation on which might have a higher reading, to see if I over tweaked or not…
I love the latest pics that Catherine painted, just fantastic. I showed my daughter the pics, she LOVED them too! I can see I must buy much more plaster and especially more paint, she has now grabbed everything that is dry and is painting it… LOL
Hot pink is not my color, but I must say, it seems to really kick up the energy spectrum a tad on some of this stuff… Yeeee ha!
Good point Monsoon!!! I meant to mention it myself, but if you look at the apex of that pyramid…… I see glow!!!! Can touch my finger to “it” and really get a jolt!!!! Way to go Maria, it came out gorgeous and functional!!!
Those are gorgeous!!! Truly!!! I too have broken one glass mold, uh, make that three, now that I count truly… lol
One large one. I got one creation out of the mold, I’m using it to charge a bottle of water right now….
I’m not sure what my final product may look or feel like, but I just tried using my first plasterite charged water in creating a new batch. I am going to buy some turtle car wax or such shortly and tippy toe into using a glass piece as a mold. The short 4 ounce glass I used in my first try was a perfect size of sorts, and it shattered that glass quite easily. Oh well.
Plastic bowls from the dollar store seem to be working well too, don’t require any release agent it seems.
Just in playing with finished pieces, I can really “feel” the energy expand when 2 or more pieces are brought together, often feeling that change of pressure in a room sensation, ears popping or closing. I had three stacked and it was incredible to feel how strong that was, and it was intense. This is fun, easy, cheap, and hasn’t been cluttered with big definitions yet. I could see a slightly yellowish thickness to the water I sat on a piece for 2 days, that I used in making these latest pieces that are drying. So testing just what this new form called plasterite and discovering it usages is unlimited as well.
That pyramid piece really rocks. What I found helps in sensing the energy is the brisk hand rub first, then the push/pull with palms facing, until you can sense your own energy field easily. Once that is done, just slow passes above the piece should give you a pressure or “something” to key in on. Once you find shell/field, you can tune in with hand or intention, and check out what is coming from it, on a personal visceral level with your energy body. Thanks for sharing!
If you insist… LOL
Aho Brother!!!
So the pictured new mix is sans any crushed metal or crushed crystal. New mix is plaster, charged water (3 minutes in blender on high, w/rare earth mags opposite each other, source bottled spring water), store bought sand (from Michaels Craft), some sea salt, and clear quartz crystal in center of each piece, surrounded by four smaller quartz crystals in each direction, all facing same direction, on same center level, and pinches of several powdered resins from myrrh, frankincense, amber, and dragons blood. All to boost protection and well being. Tap water, here in Maryland, turns yellowish color after 3 minutes in blender, and changed the color of my 1st and 2nd batches. Last batch was bottled spring water spun up, no color change but “thickness” did alter it seemed. Mixing all together was a delightful mess, still have stains on carpet to clean up. Now that I’ve started to using a very fine grade to sand down the uneven bottoms, I’ve discovered even more ways to get plaster on everything I own! LOL
OH Well. Big Note: This is far more than Josh is putting in his right now, please reference his mix for precise and proper go of it. Mine have a very marbled look to them, son said it looked like concrete with marble thrown in to…
Plan to have all 3 kids this weekend helping with 5th batch, tomorrow night will do 4th. Next time I see one of those plastic cones in a parking lot…..
I really want something huge and heavy…
Can’t help it, will wrap 144 feet of electrical extension cord and plug in my salt lamp, then just smile and smile…. If my youngest daughter gets as excited as my other two children, I’ll get her to make her own too, to take with her back home. Note to self, make some for “that” home too!
Not sure if the sudden change in weather to clear blue skies and almost cool temps is due to anything I made, but it sure does feel better now that the last batch is “live”…. :0
Spirit WalkerPosts: 41
Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 9:43 pm- AuthorPosts