Shaman Tony

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  • in reply to: Has Anyone Used Permastone to make Orgonite? #963

    Re: Has Anyone Used Permastone to make Orgonite?
    Postby Spirit Walker on Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:30 am

    Explains history and what it is… :)

    And to buy…. … B000JT36TY … medium=cse

    Spirit Walker


    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #866

    Love em!!!! :) Excellent! I get the color change in mine too from adding extra goodies. First couple that I made I had added lots of cinnamon and even some amber powder, and got a slight mocha coloration to them. They still smell just incredible as well. My favorite at this point, after trying to refine and cut back on what I put in, is still adding Nag Champa oil into the mix. It makes the pieces smell heavenly! LOL :)

    How did you get that crystal at the apex?? That looks to be a point or something sticking out of the big cone…. unless you were able to jam it into the cone to block that top hole, and then filled it up???? :) Now that would work maybe, if it was a good fit…. It’s got me thinking, I was going to pour a smaller cone one of these nights, just got too busy suddenly to use all the new materials I inherited! Thank you for the inspiration, I’ve got to figure out how I’m going to accomplish that, I’ve got some really nice quartz points I could use for that!

    It “seems” there is lots happening in the world right now, from reading lots of the back end websites that talk about the “real” world. I keep praying that our contribution, the plasterite and orgonite that we all make, gift or use, is helping to move us forward into an era of peace and prosperity for all! AHO!



    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #854

    MG: I love hearing these experiences, thanks for sharing and please, please continue!!! I was wondering the same thing, how you could sleep with that right next to the bed, but then I caught myself, simply because I make everything in my bedroom due to available room constraints, and sleep with lots of active “toys” going all the time. My guess is your vibration is now even higher, and you have adapted to being around them, mostly… :) That cleansing / clearing symptoms now starting to abate would testify to your physical having gone a change. Cool!!!

    Steve: I have dowsed for years, and Josh taught me to dowse for bovis readings a few years back. Yet I usually really on other sensitivities as well to gauge my creations. I can feel them as they “cook” so to speak, and once done, I usually hold and palm them for a reading. I know what I know, or should say I trust what I believe I know, and find confirmations from others through asking, and with gratitude. Thank you for doing the readings, it helps tremendously to give a better gauge to that internal sensor. :) I also think you are right, and wonder what form of scale or measurement would give a more “accurate” read on these creations. Perhaps we may have to make one of our own, simply by asking for “guidance” and allowing that to give us something we can all comfortably use and trust, as real?

    One last thought, going back to the marks on the power pole. I had mentioned to another group a “thought” I had about something we are doing with our wraps around a “broadcaster”. Essentially we are piggy backing a different “wave form” onto the existing electrical matrix our countries use, and they are similar. So what is being broadcast, follows back to source of power generation. So my thought was simply this: why not use this idea one more step? Create a conscious link to the broadcaster, and put “intention” behind the wave form going out? A very smart and “talented” man on that group wrote me privately, and said that was a very powerful and potentially dangerous “thought”, if used improperly…. So my “thought” was to use what is “theirs” to allow “this” to be done….

    Playing with that “thought”, what might one simple intention be, that universally would be accepted or approved on based on content and intention??? Wake UP!? No Chemtrails? PEACE!? Thy Shalt Not Kill? :) :) :) If you are familiar with certain techniques or “arts”, creating a consciousness “bubble” is something many can do, and one could place such a thing around the broadcaster, to “communicate” a set command or list of commands that run indefinitely, and may not be changed or tampered with… this can even be accomplished via dowsing commands as well. Just wondering out loud…. :)

    Spirit Walker

    Posts: 41
    Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 9:43 pm

    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #845

    And five minutes after posting this, my package arrives!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!! I should snap a picture of the 1lb bag and see if you can get a bovis reading on it Steve, I could feel the energy as soon as I pulled it out of the box!!!!!! CRAZY strong!!!! Oh my, the fun I am about to have tonight, tomorrow, the weekend…. :) I just had a brain/fart/storm! I work for a property management company that oversees 4 properties and we have engineers and painters on staff. I wonder if my luck will continue if I innocently ask them if two bags of plaster might find it’s way to my truck somehow????????? Got copper pipes this way before, why not??? They love me, I take good care of them ( I process payroll amongst other things) so it maybe time to call in a few chips! :)


    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #844

    Try this again, last night I went to post some sharing and lost it all when an error occurred on the website…. :(

    My last batch of “bad” plasterite had collapsed to about half it’s size and had huge cracks and breaks in it… LOL :) I’m going the same route, going to crush up, remove the crystals and then recast sometime this weekend. Fudged up the ratio. Oh well!!

    I had grabbed my largest piece to bring to my workplace yesterday, my son Sean saw me carrying it to the truck in the morning while I was taking him to school. So as we are walking, he asks why I’m taking it, and I explain I wish to have it in the office to see if it “improves” things a bit…. We get in my truck and drive down the road, when he then asks “Do you think these new pieces are stronger than the muffins you use to make before?” As I swerved to miss the light post and the parked cars on the side of the road, and shut my hanging mouth open, I said “YES!” He then says “So do I. I love how they make my room feel, I haven’t moved them from the spots I put them in since you gave them to me, and I know that I can paint them, but I really, really like them as is, and I think they are happy that I don’t feel the need to paint them, like they understand and approve…” O K…… :) Wow!

    I keep wanting to pinch myself at this point, for surely I am dreaming. In all the years I have been actively making and working with energy “toys”, my kids have never, ever had these types of conversations or acknowledgements regarding the energy the toys produce. Just smiling and shaking my head. I don’t want to wake up if this IS a dream! Both kids sense, feel, and INTERACT with these plasterite creations! They never have done this before. All of this is true, not making any of it up, it’s mind boggling to me!!! Truly.

    Got the biggest piece here in the office yesterday and had to settle for a old long brown extension cord to wrap around it, got 7 wraps, plugged my large desk top calculator into it, which I leave on all the time. It was SO peaceful in here yesterday, today seems to be the same too!!!

    Expecting my order from GLN to arrive any day now. I ordered a pound of the powdered laminar crystals they use for their products, I have a good feeling about mixing into the plasterite creation, but not with the plaster itself, but rather with the paint!!!! I’m going to have a dog fight on my hands getting some of the paint brushes and supplies back from my oldest, but it’s time for Daddy to do some painting too!! :) Also thinking crazy thoughts, ala Dr. Emoto, and contemplating writing a few key words on the outside of one of the new pieces I’ll make…. maybe like US Government, Congress, White House, and see if it will broadcast towards those “targets”…. Perhaps it would be simpler and easier to write on an index card and place either on top or below a piece??

    I’m still smiling and shaking my head. My kids are talking about energy!!! My kids are talking about sensitivity to energy, about “inanimate” objects having consciousness and being “alive”. And they are both SO HAPPY! And the icing on the cake, for today, is my daughter’s ex-boyfriend from 5 years ago came over to visit last night, and he was talking non-stop about the Above Top Secret website and others, asking me lots of questions. I shared my feelings on life in the big city with him, he looked like a kid in a candy shop, he couldn’t believe I knew about all this stuff and have actively been doing things for years. HE didn’t want to leave my daughter’s room, he said it felt so Light and Right!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gave him some links as homework and shooed him home, but he now wants to learn about making this “plasterite stuff” now too!!!! YES!!!!!!
    Astounded and Blessed!

    Spirit Walker

    Posts: 41
    Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 9:43 pm

    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #838

    Tonight my daughter came into the kitchen to see my latest bowl plasterite creation, and was wowed by how smooth the sheen on it was. In the very next breath, she said, “you know, this will sound crazy, but Daddy, my room feels different with all of those painted pieces in there now… it feels “lighter” and brighter, kind of, like there is more energy in there” :)

    I told her what others are saying here about their experiences and she just lit up! “For real???” YEP! I told her she should feel something different, and that it feels even better when painted… she interrupts me then and says “that’s because I put so much of me into it, my energy and emotion!?” LOL!!!!! YEP!!!!!!

    Gotta love it. :) Out of the mouth of babes (well not technically, she is 23 years old). :) She has asked/demanded that I get to work and crank out many, many more, and so I will do as she has requested, and get ready to buy more PAINT!!! LOL Just bought 40.00 worth of tubes of acrylic paints and glitter packs for her, they are going quick!!!

    One last very true story. Yesterday, she had a huge emotional meltdown after a very traumatic weekend with family issues at home with her Mom and sister. I had to pick her up from over there after a very hectic call for help from her. I got her home, she walked into her room, and 2 minutes later, you would never have known she had been having a bad, bad, bad, day. I swear…. she literally was “uplifted” IMMEDIATELY from the close proximity to our lovely babies here. She has been great since, as if it happened, but now it had dwindled to a proper memory, not a living nightmare. Simply amazing. There just aren’t words that can possibly capture my awe and gratitude at this point. I so love “this”. I talk to it now, constantly… LOL :) Yep, gone fishing and forgot the hooks! LOL They all are alive, magically, somehow. They each have distinct “personalities” as well as can be defined. No other way to put it. The painted pieces my daughter has made SING, they really just scream this JOY. It blows me away to behold such incredible wonder. She is so proud of them, owns them in a surreal sense, and they love her, I think… crazier than anything else I’ve said, I suppose, but just as real to me. They really love her. And me too, I can feel it.

    Tomorrow, my biggest piece comes to work with me at my office in DC. I’m going to wrap an extension cord around it, and plug in something like an air freshener…. I expect the world as we know it to be changed by noon….. LMAO!



    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #837

    Great post Steve! I had forgotten some of those properties for selenite! How cool!?! :)

    Like anything else, the only way to know is through experiment and trying new things. I must admit my last batch sucks! LOL :) I had read what Josh posted about how to mix things and their order/proportions, and trying to switch up in mid stream, so to speak, I got my mix out of whack and some not so good results. But the GREAT thing is, as Josh mentioned, I can now just reuse the oops in some larger new pieces. I’ve got to buy more plaster, finally killed off the first bag from just making smaller pieces, but will buy several bags so I can get several larger ones made next.

    My daughter has painted everything I’ve made to this point, LOL, which is all good. She loves painting them, it makes her SO HAPPY, like a little child with finger paints. She even told me she doesn’t understand why, but she wants more of them around her, all the time! :) I promised to put up some shelves in her room so she can start displaying everything she has painted on them… well that, and to make a million more pieces for her to paint…. LOL :) My son has decided to go the commando route, and leave his “butt naked” for now… :) but also has four pieces in his room. He swears his creativity is going bonkers, he is into doing virtual mixing of music and is having a blast these last several weeks since I first made some pieces.

    I share this to add to our body of knowledge. I have meditated with one smaller piece on my 3rd eye several times, it sends me to the outer realms of time and space, the energy is so HIGH, and pure. :) I’m seriously thinking of making some small muffin size pieces this next go round as well, so I can do some fun things with grids (like under my bed) and throughout my living space. It seems already that the invisible realm that my two cats see, has gotten really busy as of late, they are constantly leaping about, as if to swat invisible butterflies….. :)


    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #828
    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #827

    Aho Brother Josh!! :)

    That is a great reminder, to ask each of the separate ingredients/components of the creation to work together harmoniously to broadcast life force energy continuously, and to never allow any form of corruption of that function or energy, ever. :) I think that about covers it… LOL :)

    I had a thought earlier today while looking at three of these balls I bought from Doesn’t those ball have some insane bovis reading to them? Here is a copy of what they are made of…

    Cosmic Energy Stones are based on Laminar crystal technology. A very high concentration of the crystals are blended with a high-end ceramic clay. When this blend is fired at a certain, very high temperature, an alchemical transformation occurs, and the resulting Cosmic Energy Stones have properties that are greater than the sum of the ingredients that go into their creation.

    The Stones are about 3/4 inch in diameter and seem somewhat fragile. In truth, they are almost indestructible and even thrown against a concrete surface, probably would not break. When the Stones are placed in the presence of water, under specified conditions, a transformation of the water occurs, and Cosmic Water is created. This water has properties most like the ancient, legendary waters of antiquity that supported and sustained life spans far beyond what is the present day norm.

    Cosmic Energy Stones are used in a good-quality water to transform you water, raising the hydration level, raising the Bovis reading (energetic frequency), and dropping out certain impurities. Use for your personal water intake, for your pets, and plants.

    When making Cosmic water, the Cosmic Energy Stones tend to be most effective when working in groups of three.

    I wonder what either one of those, or some of the prill beads might do to help our lovely babies??? :)

    Tony :)

    in reply to: Plaster Orgonite #821

    Hey Monsoon,

    Wow! I had looked at the photos before seeing Steve’s bovis reading on it, and thought that had to be a mega mother… LOL :) Awesome!!! I love the selection that you put into it as well, great choices! I’ve got some of the “ites” type, like the moldavite, and that has a very, very high frequency, and the tektite too.

    Shoot, bet New Zealand and Singapore will benefit from that baby broadcasting!!! :)


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