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- josh wrote: Then I added one teaspoon of turmeric powder (turmeric is said to be beneficial for arthritis), the mix became a beautiful dark red color.
I suspected that the Orgonite would also amplify the energy of the turmeric and broadcast it as well as the various stones.
I sent the pendant to this lady, 2 or 3 weeks later her report was that her arthritis was no longer a problem, she was very glad since she is a piano teacherI cannot say for sure if the pendant was responsible for her well being, but may be???
From that we can apply the same method to various problem, use different herbs and see what
effect they have on various problems and situations.
jit makes perfectly good sense that the turmeric would work with the orgonite … good on you!
this leads me to ask this question that’s been tapping on the door of my brain ..I have some pipestone offcuts that I would like to put into a mix (when I finally am able to set myself up to do so) … but I understand the sacredness of the stone, and want to do the best
thing by it .. does anyone see any problems?no, I am not native … my ex was a pipemaker (again, not native, but given the right to make pipe) … and I have a variety of small pieces, too small for pipe .. but good medicine to have around …
I know the dust is toxic and should be avoided …
any protocol issues, or other issues I should know about? it feels right …Linda
sacredPostby sacred on Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:37 pm
thank you so much, Josh ..
by sacred on Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:06 pm
Josh, this friend is a quantum biofeedback practitioner who has had her life turned upside down and inside out in the most unexpected ways and by those she least expected it from … her health has rapidly declined … she didn’t have access to her biofeedback device to work on herself due to, again, everything you wouldn’t expect …
I sense that she’s in a cross-grid of electricity lines carrying some heavy duty energy … physically, the energy is constricting her chest, breathing, and energy levels ..
she’s a light-worker ..
not yet being familiar enough with what different forms of orgonite do, does that give you enough information? I can pm you her postal address ..
by sacred on Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:09 pm
yes, I’m in Australia … I want to send one to a friend in TX … how ’bout we do that?
I lived in the US for 3 years and remember how expensive overseas postage is … but would you be interested in sending a fellow therapist and friend in need something?
y sacred on Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:04 pm
any time!
I’m not in a position at the moment to make orgonite myself, so …. how ’bout if anyone wants Rescue Remedy or the Star of Bethlehem & Echinacea formula, we do a trade? Flower remedies for orgonite?
Josh, I’d like to send you a dosage bottle of each and you can let me know if one feels better than the other, or gives a different result.
Postby sacred on Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:49 pm
Rescue Remedy is a combination of 5 different flower remedies … primarily being for fear and panic. Star of Bethlehem is one of those 5 flower remedies that makes up Rescue Remedy. The crystals would have gone into shock and felt traumatised – hence Star of Bethlehem – and Echinacea regroups the energy to make things whole again. Personally, I feel the combo of those 2 remedies would work just as well for you and the crystals.
Something most people are not aware of is that the little yellow-labeled bottle of Rescue Remedy that one buys in the chemist or health food shop, is a stock bottle (concentrate) from which dosage remedies are prepared. You’ll find that in the fine print on the side of the bottle
Rescue Remedy bought at stock strength is very expensive and unnecessary in as much as a stronger dose will have no increased benefit than a not-as-strong dose, but, being vibrational, using the remedy more often will.
If you’re using Rescue Remedy spray, purchased retail, what you can do is find yourself a spray bottle and add the stock spray to that water, give it a good shake, and now you have a dosage bottle. I put a couple of sprays of the dosage that I make into the bath under the running tap. The agitation amplifies the remedy.
If you have any questions, let me know.
by Sacred »
josh wrote:
A good idea : when you are done with your crushing, spray a little rescue remedy on the crystal powder: because you just have crushed living things and it is good to take the stress out of themj
excellent thinking, Josh …
monsoon gecko wrote:
Thanks Nepi…found an Aussie ebayer..ordered..asked if they had heard of orgonite and if she’d like a sample to trial.
Positive reply…another one Hooked..Ha hathat’s me!
have had so many positive experiences, too, but will save that for another area of the forum …
back to using Rescue Remedy to alleviate the stress and shock the crystals go through, a better formula (which I’m happy to prepare and gift to those making orgonite) is a combination of Star of Bethlehem for shock, with Echinacea which is for ‘shattering’ experiences to restore a sense of wholeness again … msg me if you’d like some …
by Josh »
Another piece of good news: My neighbor is a radio operator in one of the Green Peace ships he just came back with a nasty infection under a bridge in his mouth, back and forth to the dentist, lost of pain and antibiotics and waiting, He just called me to say that, as he was undoing his baggages, he found his Pillow that I had made for him before he went on the ship, so since nothing else was working he put the Pillow on his face, he said that in a few minutes the pain was gone
This is indeed good news
Joshamazing stuff, Josh ….. amazing results ….
I pillowed the power points and electrical appliances as you’d suggested some time ago, and noticed I didn’t feel the electrical ‘aura’ that almost repels me from getting too close to them … it definitely neutralised that prickly feeling of electricity that I sense …
I’ve been recommending orgonite (& your pillows) to people who have been contacting me for flower remedies … instead of flower remedies!
seems I’m addicted …
by Sacred »
I posted on OrgonizeAustralia about using the pillow for a tick bite … helped, and I hope to think of it sooner next time ….I am very excited/pleased about an incident yesterday ….
I’d been a bit seizure-prone the end of last week … could feel one around Thurs & Fri (I get warnings, feel out of balance) … it came on Sat arvo, so I did my usual (ran to the bedroom, Rescue Remedy, etc) then thought of Josh’s pillow, which was under my pillow so I grabbed it ….. the energy subsided almost instantly! the seizure stopped!!
because I do get auras (warnings), I get time to do things that I know help, and can often abort the seizure, but it usually takes a bit longer and it happens differently ….. it eases off slowly …. not within 3 seconds …
I am stoked! the pillow was instantly grounding … felt almost like it created a grounding anchor to deep within the earth …. (the final trigger had been the high-pitched sound of the computer … electricity isn’t my best friend, energetically
) …..
Josh, you’re brilliant! & I am very grateful … had I had the seizure, I would’ve lost a day recovering from it, but that didn’t happen!!!!!!
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