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lady Catherine is a very talented woman … and yes, it does have the feel of a new world …
I had a NDE and saw those kinds of colours on the other side .. these are ‘heaven on earth’ colours ..
you’re a good team ..
yes, there is a happiness about it … I just emailed MG earlier asking if he wanted to experiment with a Joy remedy and a remedy for love with orgonite … both are very much needed ..
painting the vision of a new world, eh?
almost enchanting … thanks for the pics!
I have to find a way to make one … or more .. I know I won’t want to stop at one!
excellent work, Josh!
MariaT wrote:
The bad news? I cannot get the plasterite out of the vase which has cracked despite being made of quite thick glass. Any suggestions?Maria, I’m new to orgonite myself, but thought I’d share (if it hasn’t already been mentioned, and you may already know
) that as plaster hardens it gets very hot, so I’m not surprised the thick glass has broken. I used to make plaster molds for ceramics, so came across that then. Maybe if any thick glass molds were heated, they wouldn’t crack so easily? In making molds (for ceramics), I’d put the plaster on the outside of the item, not inside as in making plasterite orgonite, so I didn’t have the expansion issue that seems to be happening.
this information may be extremely useless … hope not, though …
I like the energy of the one that is out of the mold … it feels clear and clearing …
& thanks, Josh, for your reply to my question ..
what kind of paint does Catherine use, Josh? does it make the plasterite more durable?
can plasterite be drilled for pendants?
I have to agree re the purity of the plasterite … it has a much finer vibration .. feels very spiritual whereas the orgonite seems to be more of a physical worker, if you know what I mean … even some of the earlier ones that I made (which didn’t have enough metal shavings) still felt they related to the physical dimension, but were/are uplifting and lightening, which also has its place in the world … I’ll post pics, too, when I borrow a camera .. and I’ll ask that person to help me get some plaster and sand … not driving has its drawbacks … but I have learned to have a lot of patience! I learned something yesterday (simple as it may sound) that plasterite and orgonite are different …. I used to understand plasterite as being part of the orgonite, or one of the ‘materials’, but not a different version of the same thing, so to speak … so thanks for that! Josh, another question re what one puts into the mix, whether it be plasterite or orgonite … if the combination of elements transmutes negative energy to positive (simply put), wouldn’t adding things like castor oil, eg, promote its beneficial qualities? not that getting rid of sh*t isn’t beneficial … I was thinking of pipestone … wouldn’t it radiate all the good things? I have also wondered about making personal medicine pieces …. antler, feathers, etc … but part of me doesn’t like to ‘suffocate’ a living being, even though it isn’t alive in the physical sense anymore … this is a new idea/thought that came to me the other day …. I used to have a nickname … the Options Lady … now you know why … think of all the questions I’ve already asked Stephen! and thank you, in advance, for all the guidance you’ve given … and are yet to share … one and all ….
the plasterite has a beautiful feel to it … very gentle, nurturing … is there a way to make it more durable so it is less likely to chip around the edges? Stephen sent me a piece of plasterite that you just want to stroke, like a pet! after reading that he’d added Nag Champa oil to a plasterite mix, I thought and rubbed my hand over the piece I have with some amber paste I had left on my hand …. it still smells divine! I had thought of plasteriting instead of orgoniting, but I wanted to make some pretty pieces where the crystals could be seen …. I can’t paint like Lady Catherine … and haven’t thought of a way to decorate it, and also protect it …. yet maybe if I rounded the ‘corner’ edges, like the base, it would be less likely to chip … if it was coated with anything, would that change its broadcasting range? I didn’t realise that plasterite didn’t require metal shavings, and wasn’t 100% sure about whether it still needed quartz … so thanks for that clarification! I knew I had lots of questions!
Josh, I will ask around for the epoxy you mentioned as I feel that the snippets of seizure activity I’ve been dealing with of late are partially due to the fumes of the resin …. I don’t have a place outside to work, so have been working in the laundry, with as much ventilation as possible .. and I don’t yet have a proper mask for fumes, so have been using a disposable dust mask, which really only takes the edge off the intensity of the smell of the resin, but doesn’t really filter it .. as you can see, I didn’t want to wait any longer to start making orgonite! I will make some phone calls to the suppliers of the fiberglass resin and see if they can steer me in a direction where I can find the slow drying epoxy … thanks! Linda sacred
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Topthanks, Josh … I’m making some ‘pretties’ for some women customers and friends that are attracted to the pretty crystals, etc …. when I get to the bottom of the tin of resin, I’ll make the work-horses then, as it’s a bit cloudier down the bottom of the tin ….. thanks for the info re the dirt in the metal …. I had thought it couldn’t really hurt, being an ‘organic’ substance itself …… haven’t found any cigarette butts (yet) my first 2 batches were a bit patchy, and needed to be redipped …. a steep learning curve about resin setting times, and needing to get the resin through the metal shavings …. so now I’ve got a whole pile of sanding to do to get the overspill off ….. I quite like sanding things, though! haven’t got any fingerprints at the moment, but they’ll grow back! with the orgonite I’ve got from Stephen in the past, those that have been gifted his pieces have made requests for similar ones from me …. nothing like a bit of pressure for a newbie, eh? I am enjoying myself, though! I’m being creative and helping people … a great combination!
Sacred: if you need sage please let me know
by sacred » Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:55 amthanks, Josh …the pieces that were excess as the pipe bowl emerged from the stone have been popping into my mind the more I read about orgone devices … I feel the dust is happy where it is and is to be used as it has been …
I had intended to talk with the stone after asking its ‘original keeper’ … your land and people …medicine is not something to play with lightly …
I feel a strong connection to your culture and its people, and also understand that as much as I may sense what is right, it is appropriate to ask .. especially as the pipe is traditionally carried by a man … and the bowl is the female aspect of the pipe ..josh wrote: The way I see it is that you already are a medicine woman ………………and may be
I should be the one asking for advisewe are here to learn from each other … I spent 3 years in the US and had much shared with me … and I miss a lot of that … (we will chat one day )
josh wrote:PS give the stone a little tobaccothank you … yes, it is needed …
I had thought of sage (loose Californian White Sage) and wondered whether some sage, cedar and sweetgrass would be good companions in the orgonite with the pipestone … I can see I have some connecting to do … and this has prompted more questions and pics in my mind … medicine from other beings …thank you for your input, suggestions and the like, Josh … I have to warn you that questions and answers lead to more questions!
josh wrote: As you can guess I have tried just about everything in Orgonite, but never the pipe stone, please try it and see what it bring, it may bring sacredness, but much sadness as well, so be very aware of this, the pipe spirit is a very strong as powerful spirit and there is already
plenty sadness in our world. Tocsa
josh aka anpetu washte maniI hadn’t thought of the sadness that may come with it, Josh … being the blood of the people …could that be balanced with turquoise and silver?
I felt the sacredness and prayerful manner of living in balance with all our relations would be brought forth in orgonite … you feel it would bring out both the positive and ‘negative’ energies? I thought of the positive only, which is why I really wanted to run it by you .. I have pipestone dust from pipes that have been made, and have used that for aura protection and to add to medicine bags where people have been under psychic attack ..
aside from using pipestone in orgonite, would the stone be sad that it wasn’t in its home country? I have two slabs that are too narrow for pipe, offcuts from pipe made, and pipestone dust ..back to making orgonite with a small piece in it, would the energy of it be known at the time of making or afterwards, or would aspects of it present themselves in time?
energy is a delicate thing to be working with, and I want to do the best by the stone, the people, and the orgonite …
josh wrote: After a pipe is done carving there is a ceremony to bring the spirit in it, a most powerful event!!!these pieces came from the stone as a bowl was being carved … so were not part of the
awakening ceremony … that would possibly also be something to take into account …- AuthorPosts