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Thanks, Steve. Next week I’ll make a plasterite HHG using the same model of plastic cone. It’ll be interesting to see how the readings of the two compare.
Josh, I used a plastic cone I found in a local plastics shop. Probably made in China, lol!
Spirit Walker, how great that your son has opened up to the energy of plasterite. I’m keen to start experimenting in earnest and experience the reaction to my pieces!
by MariaT on Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:07 am
I’ve not posted in a while… life appears to have got in the way, lol.
Last week I bought a few plastic cones, one around 6 in high and the other about 11 in high, intending to use them for plasterite. However I gave in to the temptation to use the smaller one for resin orgonite as I was doing a pour of other items.
Here’s a pic:
HHGbase22Jul10.jpgNow this is weird. The plastic cone was yellow and the only colour I used in the resin was purple. However, because the cone dissolved due to the heat generated, the outside of the orgonite cone turned green! How cool is that?
Steve, I’d really appreciate a reading.
BTW I used aluminium shavings but a few copper bits inadvertently got into the mix. Besides the 5 ST quartz crystals, I also added chips of rose quartz, chrysoprase and amethyst.
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.Thanks, Josh, for your encouragement.
And thanks, Steve, for the readings. Just one thing, I actually posted pics of 4 different sized pyramids (1 brass & 3 aluminium) and you gave me figures for three. Was the little truncated blue pyramid omitted?
Thanks, you guys, for your comments, help and advice. Very encouraging. I must say plaster is certainly easier and more pleasant to work with compared to polyester resin, which is what I use for my orgonite pieces.
So… nothing for it but to break open the vase? Hmmm… wish me luck.
I did take Josh’s advice and used car wax and a silicon spray but obviously not enough, lol.
Thanks, you guys, for your comments, help and advice. Very encouraging. I must say plaster is certainly easier and more pleasant to work with compared to polyester resin, which is what I use for my orgonite pieces.
So… nothing for it but to break open the vase? Hmmm… wish me luck.
I did take Josh’s advice and used car wax and a silicon spray but obviously not enough, lol.
Help, please. I’ve made 2 plasterite items – a pyramid and a larger piece in a glass vase about 19cm (7.5in) high. The good news… the pyramid demoulded quite easily. The bad news? I cannot get the plasterite out of the vase which has cracked despite being made of quite thick glass. Any suggestions?
I’d also appreciate some feedback on the energy put out by my creations – as yet I do not feel the energy.josh wrote:
Hello Maria T
Here come the rescue., we have been experimenting with different ingredients for the Plasterite in going further into simplifying the mixture, so here we are with a new formula that according to some very sensitive people is outstanding: mix your plaster with some beach sand, the proportions are in volume 4 liters of plaster for 350ml of sand. If your sand comes from a beautiful Cape Town beach nothing else to do If you have to buy your sand which would probably be washed then you will have to add some unrefined sea salt
to dissolve in the water you will use for the plaster. You might want to have 4lb of salt for 25 lb of plaster . You may add any crystals you want according to what you want to achieve with your piece for this particular event. Any shape will do (does not have to be a pyramid, actually better if not – old energy -). We are using all sorts of conical molds/glasses, vases, cooking molds, cake molds. We have posted all sorts of different shape and form for you to look at
And this is what we have found to work the best for releasing the devices from the molds: wax your molds with just any car wax, then spray with silicon or any professional release agent (made with parafin), we have used a product call Pam (canola oil…not good) and does not result in the smooth surface, do not be fooled by this so ordinary plaster stuff it really works regardless what any pajama people are saying
jJosh, you are a star! I’ll give it a go. For ease of calculation I’ll mix 1 part sand (co-incidentally I have some Cape Town beach sand!) to 11 parts of plaster. I’ve just got back from collecting some copper dust from a woman who bronzes items, so I’ll add a pinch of that together with the 5 quartz crystals and some chips of other crystals.
I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Re: Plaster Orgonite
Unread post by Nepenthe »
Postby nepenthe on Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:22 pmHi Josh thanks for starting this great topic. I’m getting ready to go shopping for the ingredients of my first attempt at making orgonite, (never made the resin, so this is a real first) and going down your list – apart from the large crystal, how much crushed crystal does one need, or can it be eliminated?
And is copper powder required – how much in proportion to the mold? Don’t know any machine shops near me where I can get these, can you buy them at a hardware shop or craft shop – (if I don’t want to go online, getting impatient). If I can’t get powder, can I use something else?
And what are oxides, sorry, these are strictly orgonite for dummies questions.Isabelle
nepenthePosts: 3
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:47 pmHi Josh… thanks for a fascinating thread. I’m a new member who found your site a couple of days ago and became enthralled by plasterite. I’ve only been making orgonite since August 2009 and although I still have lots to learn, I’m passionate about it.I live in Cape Town and had intended making an orgonite CB for an event scheduled for 25 July, the Golden Pyramid of Peace. However, I’m having difficulty in finding DT crystals of the correct size. A trip to my normal supplier a few days ago proved to be unsuccessful, as did enquiries from other local suppliers.
I’ve now decided to make a plasterite cone instead for the event! Thanks to you.
So yesterday I collected plaster of paris and some oxide. Can’t find copper powder yet in small quantities (I was quoted R666 – about $88 – for 1kg!!). Is it OK to use copper sulphate instead? I’ve decided to use my newly acquired stainless steel pyramid mould which I’ve only used twice – and both orgonite pieces cracked horribly! It just generates too much heat, lol. The pyramid mould is only about 100mm high, though. I’m a bit rushed for time right now (preparing for 2 holistic fairs over the next 10 days) but I’d like to find a long cone mould as soon as possible.
So… once again thank you for this forum, and thanks to all members that have contributed.
by MariaT on Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:26 am
Franz Bardon
Czech Franz Bardon was a Hermetic magician who was tortured and imprisoned by the 3rd Reich for more than 3 years for refusing to reveal esoteric information. After the end of World War II, Bardon resumed his healing and occult work.
In 1956, one of the books he published was “Initiation Into Hermetics: A Course of Instruction of Magic Theory & Practice”. In the book he reveals that energy accumulators are known as fluid condensers, either solid, liquid or aeriform. And he further reveals that solid fluid condensers are a mix of resin and metal (as is 21st century orgonite!). In Bardon’s words: “The so-called genuine alchemistic “life-elixirs” are nothing else but marvellously composed fluid condensers.”
Hey, Josh… that quote above… I wrote that. It’s on my website, word for word! Was that posted on the David Icke forum or did you find my website and quote from it?
Edit: I found the post on … 7&page=262. And yes, it IS a quote from my website… Woohoo!!
“Franz Bardon
Czech Franz Bardon was a Hermetic magician who was tortured and imprisoned by the 3rd Reich for more than 3 years for refusing to reveal esoteric information. After the end of World War II, Bardon resumed his healing and occult work.
In 1956, one of the books he published was “Initiation Into Hermetics: A Course of Instruction of Magic Theory & Practice”. In the book he reveals that energy accumulators are known as fluid condensers, either solid, liquid or aeriform. And he further reveals that solid fluid condensers are a mix of resin and metal (as is 21st century orgonite!). In Bardon’s words: “The so-called genuine alchemistic “life-elixirs” are nothing else but marvellously composed fluid condensers.”
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