Life Pillow – The Polarizer

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    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    About time I shared this great new technique…I’ve been trialing for a couple of months now. It’s called Josh’s Life Pillow and can be ordered from

    Basically, it’s a soft leather pouch containing 23 diff. gems, crushed, two rare earths and three herbs.When you pass it over food, water , virtually anything , it reverses the harmfull negative spin to a positive within a second.  If something is harmful to us , it has a neg. spin, the more poisonous, the stronger the spin.  I emailed  Josh…was this spin stuff at the electron level or what ?

    ..He replied that a collegue of his former work stated the if you focus a special beam at an object and capture its reflection you can see the spin state. He could see this reversing using the Life Pillow but could not understand why and how quickly this was happening.

    So what does this mean?

    By passing the Life Pillow over a substance..within a couple of cm… it will be “purified” . Food tastes wonderful…plain homecooked throw together tastes gourmet….every night ! Take away junkfood….if you like that stuff …..actually can be eaten safely and taste good ! Water is charged to taste sweet and lively…leaving a crisp tingle on your tongue…totally enjoyable….chlorine taste just disappears

    The Life Pillow also has a profound benefit to one’s health. I took my pillow to school and showed students how  to use and passed around. when I mentioned energising water…there was a rush on pillowing their waterbottles…it was just priceless watching their surprised faces when drinking the energised water..Couple of times there was a fall or accident in the playground…the pillow was held over the pain and eased considerably in a couple of minutes…..the students hunted out the pillow at recess and lunch time to pillow their food…kids are great at trialling stuff…they don’t bullshit..

    My phd science mate stated that he could feel energy travelling up his arm  when he held the pillow. He said it might work on energy meridians as in accupuncture points…as the energy centered around a blockage in his shoulder and freed it up !  Then he was totally blown away when we pillowed a glass of water and compared tastes to a second glass.

    I pillow water used in drinking of course but also for energising water for plaster orgonite. I sleep with the pillow and have noticed the whites of my eyes much clearer and the red veins shrinking.

    A friend ordered 2 Pillows through me, after playing with mine, The day I delivered them, she had a painful crinked neck. She sat among the desk full of paperwork , holding one pillow either side of her cup of tea . After about 20 seconds, she moved her head from side to side and said she heard a click and then with a huge smile stated that the pain has vanished. ! !

    A week later she rang saying how fantastic the pillows were and asked me to order 3 more  !! Lucky family and friends I reckon.

    I’ve heard many reports of arthritis sufferers reporting relief and symptoms disappearing by using the pillow as a squeeze device in the hand…

    All sounds too good to be true.? I hold a pillow either side of the fuel hose when filling the car…Just scraping the surface for uses of Life Pillow,

    I’m looking forward to my gourmet meal tonight……as usual. ! Master Chefs….eat your heart out…..Ha  Ha

    Further info can be found at…

    Yo……….Enjoy !


    Posts: 112

    I have been experimenting with these for a while. Really good for resting or sleeping with to alleviate aches or stiffness, although I recommend doing serious yoga as well.

    I haven’t noticed as much difference with the food, but I drink water that is already well filtered and energised; probably the cherry on top. I also try to cook very healthy vegetarian food which isn’t toxic or unhealthy to begin with. I suspect it might be a useful way to amplify conscious energising of food and drink which is good to practice even with out pillows.

    I have lent mine to a few energy sensitive people I know to play with and they liked it; thought it was more subtle and perhaps worked differently to orgone devices.

    Testing continues.

    If these disasters tell us anything, it’s that the ultimate currency has always been, and will always be altruism…that will count for more than anything during the coming Earth changes. This is the key to global enlightenment.

    July 8, 2010 at 7:45 AMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 28

    Hello beautiful Australia

    This is what was told to me by a chemist friend, he said that by shining a polarize light into any substance, the reflection will show you the direction of the spin,  and at this point it would be good to make something clear: the reflection will show the reverse of what is happening within the substance, so if the reflection shows a strong left spin, it means that the substance has a strong right spin , and vice versa.

    So the statement that I made a while back saying that right spin is good and left spin is not so good is actualy wrong ; it is backward………………………………………..but, BUT it is my first mistake this year, so I’m doing OK:), and last time that I made a mistake it was………now lemme see,,,,,,,,,1946…… 1945:P


    July 8, 2010 at 2:37 PMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Josh…Ha ha….Thanks for clearing that up, your version sounds better.Yesterday, friend came back from a fishing trip with hand and wrist very swollen from reaction to sandfly bites…uncomfortable and very itchy….Gave her the pillow saying rest this on your hand. She took it home and returned next day…swelling gone down, back to normal… anti-histamines.
    July 8, 2010 at 8:37 PMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 112

    Hi Josh…by spin do you mean that there is like a spiral vortex of energy around the food like a mini cyclone or hurricane?

    Perhaps being in the southern hemisphere, it’s reversed and in fact you’ve led an exemplary life without a single mistake…

    …hehe. :^]

    July 8, 2010 at 8:38 PMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 28

    bluegum at July 8, 2010 at 8:38 PM

    Hi Josh…by spin do you mean that there is like a spiral vortex of energy around the food like a mini cyclone or hurricane?

    Perhaps being in the southern hemisphere, it’s reversed and in fact you’ve led an exemplary life without a single mistake…

    …hehe. :^]

    From what I understand it possible to see the the spin from this reflection, so we have the polarized light (not vibrating all over the place as regular light)  hitting the substance and bouncing back out, it is only showing the spin down the molecular level, so there is no physical vortex,  (gosh my IQ is only 23 and it is a bit of a problem) here is an example

    The man made ascorbic acid has a left spin, so it is not so good for you, but the vit. C from orange juice has a strong right hand, that makes it OK

    One thing that help a lot, as you know most medical pills have side affects, you pass the pillow on the pills for a second and they become less noxious

    Now for this southern hemisphere thingy, if I move there would it reverse all those years of being a dork?, if it is the case, I will make a very large pakage with our politicians in it:roll:

    Well…….for my self………it would be hard to improve on perfection hA HA HA………this was really a big joke

    July 9, 2010 at 12:30 PMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 112

    Dorks are universal…

    …I think they originated from the far side of Neptune. One of their mantras is “dorks shall inherit the Earth”…apparently later plagerised by another well known text, although debate still continues along the chicken and egg line. $^]

    July 10, 2010 at 1:55 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Yo…gifters…Update…a lot has happened since last post, The lady who ordered more pillows reports very happy results. She gifted one fellow who has on going medical problems, regular hospital, major operations, parts taken out, continual pain and ongoing complications…now his life has smoothed out, pain and problems diminished and reports more daily energy and enthusiasm for life…..what a blessing ! He carries it everywhere. She’s much the same, along with her husband. He checks his pillow under his pillow..(ha ha ) every night in case she’s hidden it ! ha ha

    So I decided to order 6 more pillows for family members. Customs( AQIS )  impounded them , possible threat to Aussie agriculture etc..many emails back and forth , (Thanks Josh) At one stage they wanted to radiate..gamma..Josh said not a problem..the pillow works on EMF protection, will probably stuff up machine, but that would take 6 to 8 weeks so I elected to give permission to unstitch and examine contents…they emailed back it’s full of powder…Doh, slaps in forehead !… I’d already told them originally, all they’d find is seaweed, sand and powdered minerals. They wanted more info…for the record… so we gave a partial list with which they were happy…thanks again Josh.

    Eventually , they arrived…worth the hassle as now, anyone else ordering a Pillow or two will get no such problem.

    Of course..regular gourmet food and tangy water…but recently had a stressful day at school and arrived home with very stiff neck…I could feel a kink coming on and didn’t feel like 2 or 3 days of not being able to turn my head without pain. I leaned back on lounge with Pillow on neck for 10 minutes and noticed easing of muscles, then I lowered pillow a bit for a short while, then lowered further for a bit…this process continued a couple of minutes for the rest of my spine untill I got to kidney area… funny…I could feel each vertebrae tingling as the pillow moved down,,,, Next morning, big toilet flush out….gratitude !

    On…they are finding more profound uses. This may be…no….IS the best money I’ve spent in a long time, seeking techniques that work. !


    September 3, 2010 at 8:28 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    So , back to the Life Pillow, As stated in plaster thread, had big week at another local school, covering release time …many classes , which were mainly sport or making plaster orgonite.For the plaster, we pillowed the water plus a few waterbottles with students surprised again. Pillowed water is delish-tangy. Sport was indoor hockey with plastic sticks and puck. After picking teams and setting ground rules, I introduced the pillow. Gave a quick description of contents telling students it is an energy device for food , water and pain. I shared examples of pillow’s uses, with other school’s playground accidents…pain relief…etc

    Needless to say, the pillow was well passed around and held….several classes.,,,       a few times held over injury..leg, arm, hand etc…..Man… they belt the sh#t out of each other at times. Only a couple of head highs in whole week,,,,,always a worry.!   Observed  red whelt across wrist disappear after 2 minutes pillow. Other minor injuries gone with surprised faces. I try not to take for granted , but when you see pillow in action…wow !

    Blessings all round.

    Did I mention Gourmet food ?

    September 11, 2010 at 8:08 AMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 9

    I recently got bitten by a tick …. they seem to love me!  the feeling isn’t exactly mutual though …

    it took me a while to remember Josh’s life pillow, but when I placed it on my neck (little vampires!  the ticks, that is ;)) it really took the grrrr! out of the area …..

    I hope to remember the pillow earlier next time ….. better still, I hope there isn’t a next time, but that would mean I’d be away from nature and that’s not a thought I’d like to entertain for long ……

    btw, Stephen, surgery for the young man you sent a pillow for was a lot simpler than ultrasounds, etc anticipated … and the areas that seemed to be badly affected weren’t ….. am still waiting for another update on the nature of the growth removed (16cm x 11cm!) but all is well (so far) considering what was expected … removal of vital organs …

    and the pillow is nicely inconspicuous …. mothers have a way of making sure their young get their medicine … 8)

    September 22, 2010 at 11:10 PMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 28

    There is something else to help for various insect bite: amonia,  it is very effective on spider bite and all other pest, regular household amonia is all it take.

    2 years ago I had to treat my lady that had gotten a bite from a ‘brown recluse’ spider;

    this is the one where the doc will remove a limb if it has gone to far, a very bad bite, it was at the base of her scull, so we decided not to do the amputation Ha Ha!!!,

    I will find the herbs that I use and will post the recipe, it still took 3 weeks to have it go away


    October 8, 2010 at 7:55 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Yo ……it’s been ages since I reported the benefits of the Life Pillow…..

    yet use it every day !….wouldn’t be without it !!!

    During my gifting holiday I had tooth problems ….anything hot really zinged me. Only ocassionally and most times , calmed down…this lasted over a month… On many occassions . I held the life pillow against my jaw and found relief in a couple of minutes….cool…but needed to nail the problem when returning  back to Darwin. …hey ! postponing toothache ?  ..pillow such a blesssing ! 2 visits to the dentist in a week…heaps of fun.. ha ha …..lovely lady dentist looked after me..

    Normally, after injection, takes 2 hours for numbness to wear off then an hour of entertainment (not) in between time till normal….ha ha..pain in the A.

    On both these visits, as soon as I got in my car , applied pillow to the area for couple of minutes…between  a roadie ..hic, burp.. and a fag , I applied the pillow,,,traffic lights and such….several , couple of minute sessions … 25 minutes later , home,,,,hey ! mouth back to normal !!!!!!!!!!

    Such a blessing……the LIFE PILLOW !

    Yo….if you haven’t ordered one of these yet ….why not ? Every family should have one…..medicine cabinet obsolete ? Food and drink…gourmet !…not to mention SAFE   !

    Aussie dollar good right now….future ?….it’s exciting !

    February 9, 2011 at 5:21 AMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 13

    Sounds great! Where can I get one???!!!

    So, do you pass your LP over your pack o’ ciggies? ;)
    I bless mine, but this sounds even better!

    On another note: Has anyone tried to make an Orgone Device programmed with a frequency that repels mosquitoes? I cannot stand them.

    Since QLD’s weather has decided to move to Melbourne, the climate is ripe for squitoes.  I was just mauled by one, quite badly.
    As well, not a huge fan of moths… sets my adrenals right off… I can think of no reason why I ‘have’ to have them around. Plus, that device would be great for camping…

    This is probably a useless article, but it’s a start (for me, anyway)

    Thanks team!

    “Good poetry makes the Universe reveal a secret…”

    February 10, 2011 at 10:56 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Yes , is waved  over nearly every thing these days..

    and taken everywhere, especially to school !

    February 10, 2011 at 3:17 PMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 13

    Thanks, MG ~ they look pretty special…!
    Do they ever run out of ‘juice’?

    “Good poetry makes the Universe reveal a secret…”

    February 15, 2011 at 9:01 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    You bet …very special….

    Not sure about running out of juice….can’t see it !

    Mine still energising anything its waved over..

    Especially enjoy energised water and noting weight loss.

    Bonus !

    February 16, 2011 at 7:53 PMFlag Quote & Reply
    Forum Home > Orgonite Development, Research and New Ideas > The LIFE PILLOW

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    I continue to enjoy daily benefits of the Life Pillow..

    This has to be one of the best techniques that works ,  so far .

    Just wave or hold for a while….I,m starting to believe in counter clockwise spin.

    A year 6 boy fell heavily onto one of a row of metal bag hooks outside the classroom .  Mate, he was down for the count ! Caught him in the ribs under his arm. After a couple of minutes ,I helped him to sit up.Gave him the pillow and told him to hold it on the area..He was happy just to sit there , not moving cause it hurt too much to move…Totally refused to go to the office..He aeemed ok for the moment  …I returned to the orgonise them…and mmm…forgot about him…oops , who said that?

    So , about 15 minutes later, he comes in, hands me the life pillow and says he feels better….Wow..I’ve cracked a rib or two and know it ‘s not like that ! Amazing and not the first time…confirmation that applying pillow to injury soon after happening reverses it…this has happened time and again at school .Think I’ve mentioned a few in previous posts, but there’s been  many more.

    Life Pillow…The best asset a family can have.. just the daily wave over food and especially water is invaluable !

    March 25, 2011 at 9:18 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    G’day …dry season appearing at last, but chemtrailing ongoing.

    Keep your orgonite close and pillow your food , water and everything else..

    The Chemtrailing getting nasty!

    Enjoy and share

    For some reason it won’t take…just highlight it and click search in the google window

    April 20, 2011 at 5:35 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    Outstanding update….. Life Pillow info. for EVERYONE…!

    Yo , Josh, mate…u r da man. !


    May 29, 2011 at 8:08 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    Yo…anyone made their own resin life pillow lately ?

    Made a few now, but keep going to new homes..

    You must check out the above link…

    Josh shares Life Pillow formulae…ongoing info..too easy for such a blessing/resource !!!

    Here’s a few shots of my latest trial with acorn caps as the phi resonance know…amplify the energy !





    Now they are REAL charging plates….far superior to my orgonite ones.

    For full running commentary, you’ll have to view the above Orgoniteplus thread.


    July 9, 2011 at 8:23 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    Stupid computers…tried to post recent photos of resin life pillows…very nice indeed…..a no go…maybe try later

    html code doesn’t take..maybe you can search this./…….wtf..bloody computers

    September 5, 2011 at 9:31 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    Yo…..who’s made a few ? Good results ?

    Josh suggested enhancing results with part of the original formula. Beachsand certainly works but additional crushed,powdered quartz combination even better.. 1 tablespoon to 1 litre of powdered kelp

    Clear quartz,smokey quartz, amethyst, citrine and rose quartz..equal parts.

    Recently spent an arm and a leg for this beautiful silicone mould……..I figured well worth it seeing I love making a few.

    The Flower oF Life…perfect for the orgonite component of Resin Life Pillow charging plates..sacred geometry and orgonite long known to boost energy.


    The flower of life insert is fine copper, with small quartz points placed in pattern..It is about  5mm thick… another one, brass keyshavings with copper pattern interplay…


    All have a large amount of either sea shells, or acorn caps…the phi ratio is captured in the hollow air space..resonating the life frequency..



    These are real charging plates, a jug of water,  food, virtually anything you place on it will have the spin of anything harmful in it , reversed…

    Profound stuff indeed.

    Strongly recommend you splash out and make a few for family and friends,

    Of course a pocket piece of orgonite and pillow mix can be a multi-purpose blessing when out and about.


    Cheers you mob…would be nice to hear from you..

    Forum is pretty quite these days, yet  I feel the frequencies rising.

    Exciting times eh ?

    Oh, almost forgot….the silicone flower of life mould came from the US

    September 18, 2011 at 6:55 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    Hey MG,

    that flower of life pattern look nice ! how is the effect ? any improvement on the energy output ?

    By the way I just sent away the two charging plates yesterday that I bought from you a month earlier, I was so reluctant to let go of them because it feel so good to have them around. ;)

    September 20, 2011 at 9:45 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    Hope you’ve all had a crack at making the energetic resin life pillows….great for cleaning up all food , water , medications etc





    January 10, 2013 at 8:53 PMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    Bummer … after Josh’s passing , orgoniteplus forum seems to have gone down..

    So I will share his Life Pillow formulae that he passed on to me… the original formulae contained 23 or more minerals and gems ….

    Here is the one that works beautifully

    Ground Kelp seaweed

    5 types of quartz ground to a powder …clear , smoky, citrine , rose and amethyst

    For one liter of pillow mix stirred into resin , add two tablespoons of crushed quartz and a handful of quartz type beachsand.

    This pillow mix always needs the mould preglazed and more often than not , double dipped … it is highly volatile to moisture and will blister out of the piece.

    There you have it ..the Resin Life Pillow….worth it’s weight in gold !!!

    May 22, 2014 at 10:26 PMFlag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 3

    monsoon gecko at May 22, 2014 at 10:26 PM

    Bummer … after Josh’s passing , orgoniteplus forum seems to have gone down..

    So I will share his Life Pillow formulae that he passed on to me… the original formulae contained 23 or more minerals and gems ….

    Here is the one that works beautifully

    Ground Kelp seaweed

    5 types of quartz ground to a powder …clear , smoky, citrine , rose and amethyst

    For one litre of pillow mix stirred into resin , add two tablespoons of crushed quartz and a handful of quartz type beachsand.

    This pillow mix always needs the mould preglazed and more often than not , double dipped … it is highly volatile to moisture and will blister out of the piece.

    There you have it ..the Resin Life Pillow….worth it’s weight in gold !!!


    What’s a Life Pillow?

    July 7, 2014 at 12:02 PMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    A few more Resin Life Pillow models ….

    Pocket size models when out and about…..great to wave over take away food

    and EMF protection too…….quartz point , brass and pillow mix

     photo DSCN1531_zpsf7bd04b2.jpg

     photo DSCN1530_zps05ecc0f1.jpg

    The larger pieces perfect for the dinning room table ….

    they have a variety of orgonite combinations and colour premade drop in pieces….some with a bit of glow in the dark superimposed over the colour starburst pattern … a bit of bling

     photo DSCN1529_zps68bb6393.jpg


    August 3, 2014 at 10:52 PMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    Aurora ….the original Life Pillow came in a soft leather pouch ….these latest versions are the pillow mix , (powdered kelp seaweed, crushed quartz and beachsand) set in resin …. most are made as a combination of orgonite and pillow mix poured in layers….. they  are certainly great value ….worth their weight in gold in my opinion…. used daily to clean up food , water , virtually anything you care to wave them over or touch…. cheers
    August 3, 2014 at 11:07 PMFlag Quote & Reply

    Eivind from Norway

    Posts: 1

    monsoon gecko at April 20, 2011 at 5:35 AM

    G’day …dry season appearing at last, but chemtrailing ongoing.

    Keep your orgonite close and pillow your food , water and everything else..

    The Chemtrailing getting nasty!

    Enjoy and share

    For some reason it won’t take…just highlight it and click search in the google window

    The Josh Life pillow sounds just awesome! Am not able to reach the link at from here in Norway. I have been trying to find more info and a place to buy the pillow,but it looks like some fascist international internetcontrol is blocking all info available about Josh Life pillow. That just make me even more convinced that this is the real deal! Do you know how i might be able to buy some of these pillows?

    Best regards,Eivind :-)

    October 10, 2014 at 3:47 AMFlag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 636

    Whoops , haven’t been here for a few days …. Elvind. …Josh passed away a while back and despite an offer later , no one took up the opportunity to keep the Orgoniteplus forum alive , so unfortunately, all that outstand info and research  just disappeared …. should have jumped in myself …..similarly , seems I’m the only one making life pillows these days , but in the resin form, as seen in the above posts… I have made a few leather life pillows in the past as a trial… they seemed quite good actually, have one left not being used , but the resin ones a bit more versatile……message me if you are after any ….cheers
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Avatar photoJosh

Here are some reviews from various customers:I have used several variations on this unique device by Josh over the past 8 years. He used one model to make my old farmhouse’s aluminum roof transparent to life energy. The effects were noticed by several people immediately , who did not know that he was doing anything. We have charged water and improved the taste, altered food and wine flavors, criminally flattened the carbonation is a glass of beer. It has some unpredictable effects. It is fun to play with the new model. The energy is not like orgonite but much more subtle. I like the leather pouch as it is most comfortable to carry. -SenseiReporting on Life Pillow… My dad was over tonight and we were drinking tea. He put liquid stevia in his cup and my husband waved the pillow it while my dad was holding it in his hand. My dad immediately goes “Oh, I felt it, like a tingle in my hand, definitely something”, and so after some prompting, he waved it over his hand again and right away felt it again. We didn’t tell him he would feel anything beforehand either. We’ll be tempted with crap food tomorrow so more experimenting abounds. I can’t wait to go around and flattening everyone’s crappy gmo corn fructose soda pop!!! –Nepi Pemi

I have two Life Pillows and wanted to share some of my experiences with them . Energy wise output is about 100,000 Bovis, feels smoother than orgone energy (as Sensei stated). Energy field seems to radiate out about 4ft. I had some neck pain, putting the life pillow on it for a few min really seemed to diminish the pain and loosen up my muscles. Has some left knee pain, felt like it was out alignment, took two Life Pillows and held over my knee for about 1min, knee pain gone! Josh recommended putting one Life Pillow at my head and the other at my feet, that felt similar to a Reiki session and created a nice field of healing energy I had some ankle pain and the Life Pillow relieved that pain as well. Passed the Life Pillow over my cheapo carbon water filter and the water had a smoother more energized taste to it afterwards. I like it! Nice work Josh! Blessings -Steve

I recieved my own life pillow yesterday afternoon. Thank you, Josh! The first thing i felt led to do with it was put it on my crown chakra. I have a lump there, 1 inch off center, an implant I think, which they are occasionally able to reactivate. The lump went down from the size of half a pea to the size of half a lentle in a few minutes. This morning I had a hard time even finding it. Of course I used it on my food and water. No noticable changes there (I don’t eat much garbage food, mainly raw milk from Jersey cows for 3 meals out of 4.) I Then I lay down on it- it wanted to be at the base of my spine. Felt an easing of tension there. Digestive system (another major area of attack) seems to be detoxing. Next I held it in my hands. The joints in my hands are deformed by the years of attacks, and I cannot close them normally. (According to the doctors who have checked, the patterns of damage and the bloodwork indicate that the damage does not come from either type of arthritis.) After holding the pillow in each hand for 1/2 hour each, I could close them around the pillow. I used it for the cat’s food. I know it made a change there- the cat did not recognize the scent at first, then ate with gusto. I have it tucked under the waistband of my pants as I write. It has a very soothing presence. It’s interactive, and responsive. I feel what it’s doing for me. I want to know what I can do for it. –Ruth

I feel very fortunate to have a life pillow. At first I focused on what it does which is push the spin resonance of anything in a positive direction- certain strange affects that were immediately noticable were the smel and taste cahnges. Right when I got it, took a walk with it, and when I walked by a neighbor mowing his lawn I surprised to realize that there wasnt the trademark gasoline and pollen mixture which tends to b an irritant to me. I even put the life pillow back in the house and walked by again-IMMEDIATELY smelled the gasoline after leaving the house-laughed-got the life pillow out of the hosue and continued on my walk(with no abrasive smells) It has a very pleasant feel, altho as has been stated more subtle than orgone energy and hard to explain. Personal experience seems to b the best way to share- I agree with Steve 100% on the water, i have good water filtration but noticed quite more livliness(structure, taste) after a couple seconds near the life pillow- it seems as tho anything more than a couple seconds is overkill(ive had much less thirst, yet have not had more water than usual) I also have been exposing all my food to it with great benefit, besdies taste. It seems as tho treated food and herbal supplements(life pillow+ astragalus= YES) assimilates much better in the body after being pillowed, especially with the pillow near the stomach. I even tried indulging in foods that ive been staying away from (thanks nepi i may have taken it to the market… to play )- which include white flour, soy, and fried foods- Low and behold ive had not a single stomach problem(believe me, pre-pillow if i ate what i did yesterday- wi ouldnt b able to type now), =[ from the frist day of life pillowing my appetite has greatly increased ( after putting so much orgonite in the house the past month- food hasnt been as necessary?) even my animals are eating more and more lively. Orgonite loves it. all of my pieces respond positively having the pillow around- the nano shield particularly apprecaites sitting next to the pillow. At first i didnt get the name completely, but now i do! Its Life in a pillow!! and very confortable. Ive been sleeping near it (soundly) and when i wake up its generally in the same spot(WEIRD). I have been known throughout my life for being an active sleeper so to not move it during my daily 8 is just plain weird. overall- something that is hard to put ones finger on- considering the seemingly endless amount of uses I figured the drastic physical changes would show the less sensitive individuals an idea of the amazingly capabilities of this leather pouch of goodness! KUDOS JOSH- Its amazing that you could harmonize this thing into existance- Thank you. -Orgonaut

OUSTANDING ! Josh , thankyou for the opportunity to trial the Life Pillow here in Australia.
I’ve had Pillow for 2 days and already experienced some amazing results.
As the lady handed me the parcel at the post office, I noticed her warm smile and glow
and knew it had arrived. Been like a kid waiting for Christmas!First thing noticed was the herby fragrance.Not unpleasant,…Pillowed quite a few items
that evening. Water tasted better, smokes milder, and degassed a glass of homebrew.Normal throw together dinner was surprisingly delicious. Slept on Pillow that night.

Next day ,early start, woke refreshed. Off to my favourite school with all the little energy sensitive kids , armed with the Life Pillow and a couple of other orgone devices. Of course, students were receptive and after describing the contents passed the Pillow around. They all picked up on the smell.The best desciption was like cut grass and seaweed. I continued to talk about how it’s used and mentioned purifying water. Well there was a rush on pillowing their waterbottles. It was really funny to see their surprised faces at the difference in taste.

So out for some morning sport. One girl took a tumble on the concrete surface.I directed the student who was minding the pillow to race over and give the it to her. She held it on the pain and was gone in a couple of minutes .
Back in class I caught one guy squeezing the living daylights out of the pillow. OY, DON’T YOU WRECK THAT ! He said ” I can’t feel any crystals in here !” I replied they’re probably in a crushed form…make a big batch so many pillows can be made at one time.
At recess students pillowed their food with many reporting better taste. At lunch they didn’t need reminding. I had to hunt up the pillow to purify my meat growler with red zinger ….pie and sauce …..Ha ha ,It actually tasted like a gourmet product, not normal.
Slept on the pillow again last night. Noticed the whites of my eyes clearer this morning.!
The red veins seem to be shrin –Stephen

Hi Josh,
I’ve got another good one- or two, actually.

1…I’ve been working with the life pillow, trying different positions, wearing compared to carrying. I put it in my left rear pocket, and suddenly realized there was a blank space there. The ache that had defined the area, that was my “normal”, was gone. It felt like nothing- no pain. I’m wearing it there now. Thank you.

2…No hay fever. Normally the allergy year started in February with tree pollens, and came to it’s grand finale in April, May, and June: grass pollen season. This year- nothing. No itchy eyes. No faucet nose. etc. Thank you. -Ruth

good job -tiggar

Testimonial Life Pillow

Maybe can put a little testimony here, as all the materials , the goodies, have arrived in good order.
First, let us start with the pendants….as I never had any what I call ” old school ” aka orgonite, it was quite an eye opener, especially being worn as a pendant, so close to the body. It does surely work, but in a new way, it is completely different than what is use normally, the selenite method, it gives off a different vibe, it is completely different than plasterite… big time, it is more earthly in a way , I can clearly feel it work, creating a sort of shield or field around the body, not too big but effective in neutralizing nefarious influences, radiation, wifi, you name it , also inside it harmonizes.
To me the effects are OBVIOUS as I never had ” orgonite” , the metal resin etc, although the pendant is more fancy , it has also other materials, stones, in it, plus this copper ring, it has a profound impact.
As orgonite virgin I do admit blushing it sure does good for the body and that is what it is intended to to in this case.
It also has a spiral in it on top
gives the whole thing a swoopy twist
it is a pleasant feeling
it is yin yang at work, paramagnetism, the stimulating effect, it lifts you up, clears up brainfog, a certain slowness in us, it makes us more energetic, impulsive , creative thoughts flow more natural and unhindered, the flow of the body is restored in its natural order. On the other side it relaxes, makes calm, grounded, at ease, more confidence , less worrying, the tendency for grumpiness is way less wearing the pendant.
Even though things in the world, especially nowadays, can be quite hectic and insecure ” changing” as they call it with a nice word, orwellian speek, I can only advice the pendant with a clear heart.
It will be beneficial for all really.
It is also quite small and therefor easy to send per post from australia, as postal costs are a serious killer nowadays for bigger items to be send across the planet.
For such a small item I am impressed by its strength, had not anticipated that, honestly, I knew it would do something but it is more intens than expected. A true blessing if I may say so.
Another person , close to me, tested the pendant before me, she said she slept like a baby, so yes, facts cannot be denied, it is a true bonus for everybody and not expensive either.
It will have a noticeable positive impact in many ways on you, that in itself is a good reason to go for it.
It makes you very calm, even if you are somewhat of a jitterbug like me, you feel so much more at ease, just more balanced that is perhaps the word, less chaotic and it settles emotional insecurity, nervousness, tenseness, etc.
Have been wearing it for say four, five hours and the effect holds, it is not a fluke, it is a genuine change for the better.
Will it hold after I take it off ? Good question !
Gosh, now you are asking something , no idea , but will look into that. Not a big deal, just wear it or keep it close to you
does not have to be on the body per se I sense, but has to be close, like in your pocket of your jacket, or even in your back pocket or so, does not matter but say within a short range of the body.
In short, in my own experience, now, the orgonite works more on an emotional level whereas the plasterite works on a pure spiritual level. These are different tools of light, both valid but not in the same soup.
Plasterite you use to ” fight the beast” so to speak, the system, the evil grid in which we are born, big things, massive changes, clear the skies of this chemcrud, etc etc, a sort of nuclear weapon so to say, massive artillery, whereas the orgonite is different, is is closer to the person, it also effects those matters mentioned above but on a different,lesser scale, it is not really meant to do that. It is more like a shotgun, for close range and does a good job at that.
Yes, back to the pendant, profound stuff, amazing job Stephen Geddes, top work, quite suprised by it. Did not expect it to have such a massive impact. Makes me silent, really so. Did you program that piece or what, dunno, but whatever you did to it , it hits the mark, bulls eye.
It also gives a more positive attitude on the outlook of life itself.
A more laid back presence of mind.
You don´t get wound up so quickly, you are more in balance, less likely to flip out for minor reasons.
Have not dowsed it all, radius, depth, etc, can feel the field is not too deep but deep enough to protect you, that is in the end what counts, you will have say a twenty inch field around you that does the trick and keeping you safe by neutralizing/deflecting negative influences and we have not shortage of that nowadays.
We are drowning in it.
This particular pendant does have a special emblem at the back, maybe it is that what makes it pump, can´t tell but it is much stronger than a basic orgonite piece, did hold a few in my hands long ago, never had it on the body, but that was not as strong.
Also it has a nice spiral embedded in it , at the front. The piece , energetically , suits me well, it is my type of device, fits me like a glove, another piece , pendant, got send to me but that one is for Jenny Mortell , and it does not really resonate with me that much, still feels good but ” not for me” sort of thing.
Although this black pendant is small, it feels like a rock , emotionally balancing me out , I need that as I am a ” far out ” guy
I see the big picture , I am out there spiritually, that is all fine and well but for someone like me a heavy piece is needed to ground me back on earth, to stabilize me during my wild trips , a gentle pendant like the one for jenn, would not do the job.
For most folk this black pendant would be overkill or just too much of a good thing, too heavy. Oh yes, but some need such a guide to keep them in check. So for me it is perfect.
Technically speaking the pendant is the opposite of what I am , the yin yang thing coming into play, the black and white, the inversion of opposites, call it what you want. I think this is an overlooked issue in the selenite world, it does open up the soul, gives you those shamanic journeys, this great insight and awareness but it also almost blasts you out of this dimension, not kidding, so the need for some tool to ground us , balance us again is perhaps something we have not paid too much attention too. At least , now we do !!!
Now I am not saying it cannot be done without this tool, as I use all sorts of mechanisms to bring me back into the ” normie world”
but still
this tool is very effective, puts you back in a flash, no questions asked.
Of course this incredible tool Stephen Geddes made is a customized tool, it is designed for me as stephen knows me, the type I am , the character etc, where I am in my headspace.
I can feel the emblem really does a good job pumping it up, I can feel it clearly without it it would still be effective but a lot milder.
It turbocharges the tool clearly.
The tool makes me function more effectively in the normie world around me, yes , clearly, less anxious dealing with the robots around me.
I can feel it works on the heart chakra area, clearly, the emotional area. It is all a true gain. Have not felt so calm and balanced in a long time. It works for me , what can I say.
Voila, there you have it , for our five fans, a full report. Uncensored.
All I can say is Wow , we got a winner.

I am home now baby ????

my post got whacked by fb again
the missing part
I know you did and I know I failed, years ago, as I only caught on many years later, and when I did, I remembered your post, strangely enough
and I wondered why I did not see it, must have neglected it somehow or thought it was just about gardening agriculture itself, but it is not , it is more broad and all compassing.
actually some, not all, is saved on the internet archive
but I caught up now…..callahan s book ancient mysteries is not easy to get, long out of production, did put up a copy on the internet archive.
secret life of plants, cute book, it was an indian scientist who went deep into that in the 1930 s, he was member of the royal society
the royal society is masonic, it usually will never allow a profane in, only if you are a genius, like John Tyndall , Farraday and this indian guy you were asked
Jagadish Chandra Bose was a multi-talented Indian scientist who also invented wireless communication. Jagadish Chandra Bose proved that plants are like any other life form. He proved that plants have a definite life cycle, a reproductive system and are aware of their surroundings.
well well, never heard of that type of granite but it can be highly paramagnetic, it is a wide scope…interesting, and you mention that now eh ? You cowboy, keep it all to yourself..hahah
So you still have a lot to offer, good to know, yes tensor, ties in with Slim Spurling etc
Callahan did experiments with Slim on that topic
never knew that , sort of hidden stuff
often such facts come out in interviews with other folk, they than casually mention it
so there is probably something to that too
but than it does get somewhat complicated , high tech ????
and pricy probably too
think got Slim s book on the site, somewhere
” in the mind of a master” think it is called
jee, that is a complex pendant !!
I knew you did something to it, as a base orgonite cannot do that
so you still go that extra mile eh …nice…appreciated
I like that
wonder how many folk are actually making similar pieces, not too many I bet you
but in the end it all comes down to one thing and that is to test, and many will not go there really , but that is the only way to find out and understand this magic
it is more than just science
in the past I did use fossilized seaweed, it works wonder
how did I know
I just did
was shopping – years ago now – and it just guides you
did not even know what it was but it wanted to be in the plasterite
to sing its song you see
and it did, it works way better of course than basic seaweed
it is a sort of calque you put in
Granulated calcium carbonate of fossil origin (Cocolites)
Granulated seaweed lime for universal use in vegetable garden and lawn. This type of lime has a wide action that can be used all year round