The Irish Topic

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The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »


Thu May 28, 2015 9:10 pm

As this is grassroots it is not always so easy , but I have survived and have established a good connection with Ireland.
The people there do tremendous work and I admit I have underestimated the quality and impact of that work. I do apologize for that. I was wrong to play it down that far, as the Irish movement is going places now, big time, incorporating the natural way into the action plan. I never thought they would do that to be honest with you, like most things it would be ignored I suspected.
That is usually true but in this case it was wrong to expect that as they have picked up on it.
They understand and that is a very very rare happening
never seen it in my life...that s why I thought , yeah right, they are not gonna do it...they are not that smart and wild
but they are...they truly was breathtaking to watch
open mouth...speachless...damn they do good work over there
unbelievable work
we never see...Irish and Scotts very special folk...they dont like what s going on and do their share
big wow
big big wow
as most awareness groups just do that this one goes way further
I know, just a few people but hey they are doing it ok
for me that is top work
so it is bringing awareness and getting some nice energy blasters into the public
for free
you can promote that on "warrior matrix" pffffffffffffffffff
I am very impressed, did not know it was possible
I really did not count that in
they really , on a grassroots level, start to use the free method
the powerbox of orgonite
they are actually gifting plasterite Hearts in the streets
can you believe this :)

also I have personally seen Blue Sky Broadcasters - Radionics are being made !!!!!!!!!!
shit , best news in yearsssssssssssssssss
and we thought the selenite would never leave the crib of some healing clubs
no no mate no no
the admin is getting a bit emotional over this
he is human after all...
behind all his armor and gifting and chasing black helicopters
making blue sky
you know , can I say this loud but such folk, those who do the good work
and now using the natural method , I mean, they are the top
nothing comes out of those orgonite "communities" anymore, well ok , very few comes out
a few exceptions of course, but get the point
ah is so great
it is really happening
well they got their stuff together folks
seen A LOT of plasterite starting to pump over there
as there was nothing to begin with
I know grassroots
just wait and see
just wait and see
it may take a while
I do possess a lot of material on the topic but I will keep that out of the forum , for the time being as I want permission first of the members to post it , that is common sense and decency
it is all just starting up
but means a lot to me
for those who still can think , it is a breakthrough, it may look as a small one but that is how all dams break.
and yes , lady G, should we say Lady Gifter haha
great great job you do
and yes again, it is not easy to talk about plasterite
we will talk about that later on.
Maybe just call it Ionisation as that is basically the scientific process behind it, to a certain level
it has other levels too.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

:) Have heard exciting news from Ireland, seen some videos too on how they do good work and it is very intense and honest , also we see there are more people aware than in my country for example. Here literally nothing happens, except for gifting etc, it is good so see some interviews and the good work of those people , of course as it is grassroots there are not that many , it is the real deal and I know most members by name now. I love the video that has been made on the Irish work to me that means a lot, it is real and honest and it is something we do not see too much such movement once they grow get taken over and the agenda changes. It is amazing to see how well prepared they are by providing facts , not just hocus pocus and wild assumptions, as most things that are going on can be proven if you really look for it, patents, reports of all sorts, all nicely kept out of mainstream etc
.....Also I am aware some members have had several breakthroughts that please me tremendously
gosh does that sound odd, saying it that way eh , it is such an eye opener
so we see , in my opinion, the most interesting techniques picked up and used in a wonderful way
really an uplifting event if I may say so....a breakthrough yes...honestly so

we never hear of the strongest tool of light , the Blue Sky Broadcaster , and now they are made and I have seen some of it, intent is so important , it just is so...when dealing with plasterite especially...took me a year to understand and not ridicule it as most do....or blush too much :)
It is all in the documentation in the end as folk like Josh showed you all you need to know
But we are a bit slow ...and it took us time to really go deep in it to grasp all those concepts
the tools of Light I make now cannot even be compared to what I made in the early years
it is almost of a different order...I always underestimated the spiritual side of it all as that realm has been infected with propaganda all over in general...just mentioning the word makes the average sheep jiggle
Still most founder members talked about that part of it intensively...and I thought they were just a bit you know...different ... :? :roll: ;) they were not.....they were right on the core of it but we did not get it , that s all
but I do now and I see lots of newcomers grow so fast it is beyond me...newcomers like DustSand for example they just blast the skies...they have a sort of gift of tapping into knowledge once it is explained they understand and need no further lessons.........they run out of the classroom and start working with it , finding their own individual way with it.
so rewarding
learned most of them how to work with it , showed them routes and all of that what is not so easy to document
and I am very proud of them....also a bunch of silent horses who prefer to remain backstage, proud of them as well too.
It is not my knowledge , it is Timo and Josh work and the healing club , I just make sure it keeps flowing
that s all to do my part in it as that is a small price for such power given.
I just hope Jenny wont mind too much , but the interview is so GOOD, I just cannot leave it out
I also like the Paul Mac marches and the work of Max Bliss and some other real folk out there.
Mrs Murielle figured out the polarizer fast, very fast....and oh boy she even made a few of them
real life pillows.. astonishment
seen some broadcaster that make your stomach rumble
very impressive pieces....and, if that is not enough, there is a gifting angle involved as during those manifestations, free plasterite hearts are handed out to the public
I am very happy about this....a new sensation for this grumpy young man who always battles the system
making me see there are many more sides to this...being in the fronline for two years , one year non stop without leave can make a person a bit rough , silent and hard...blasting holes so big into this matrix you would not believe
had to break of two gifting trips due to helicopter harrashment...making gifting impossible at that moment
It is an uphill battle and I stick to that term as that is the heart of the George Carlin said " the table is tilted folks" and it sure is...since recently as these dicussions with Ireland shone a new light upon the whole orgonite issue
my plasterite making has improved due to those insightfull experiences
of real folk sharing real knowledge , things I never considered
left out of the picture of the gifters mindset...
Seeying a thousand dollar chembuster does me is crap as it is cashing in on our misery
that s what it is I am not talking about individuals who throw out some nice metal resin pieces, etc
that s fair s that massive control grid as I ve shown you all that keeps pounding on free solutions
relentlessly, that s what s wrong with it.
seeying folk do the right thing , themselves, unfunded, ridiculed
as individuals and do some gifting at the same time, like MG did at the schools,
and others too I might add ... :) .....THAT is impressive and carries my full support and appreciation.
and just like these awareness protests etc, sure most wont bother, but there are always the few who can still think
maybe later on and say hmm lets look it up that geo engineering, chemtrail, etc and they will break free
maybe just one out of a hundred,but those will break free others, etc so yes it is paying off, but dont expect big propaganda , msm to jump on any of it....Most folk simply cannot even imagine there is another reality
behind the veils of the wizzard of Ozz :)
Some pictures of those wonderful work have been given to me so I feel proud to present you something that is ,for a change, not my work :)
the life pillows are "spunky" Murielle s work ;)

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the plasterite goes on Jenny s account. :)

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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by jenny »

Thanks for sharing the pictures of Murielle's beautiful life pillows.

She is a very talented worker and artist. There will be more lovely pictures to share from her.

The top Blue Sky Broadcaster is wrapped with about 18 meters of cable, comes in at about 80 million Bovis. The BSB on the bottom right was created following a discussion about making the Cones a bit more 'coffee table friendly'. Murielle suggested getting the cable wrapped in a coil on the inside of the cone. I worked on it - it was very tricky getting the cable coiled tightly so that it would fit inside the cone - I could only fit in about 8 meters.

Another difficult part was getting the light fitting to come out the top and then start pouring - trying to keep the cable away from the sides, definitely a two person job. However, it turned out ok and comes in at 139 million Bovis. I don't know why there is a difference, there was the same amount of mixture used for the two BSBs. Not sure if it was worth the effort, probably easier just to do the regular system and plaster over the cable if not liked.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

o Jenn, THANKS !!! hahaha....nice feeback....ah bovis readings, you know, that is , some time ago, when the crew found out this whole selenite thing, it just ticks differently...the first hurdle so to speak for the healing club, there is a lot of talk about that in the documentation, this eye opening effect of hey old ways wont work anymore sort of awareness
as the selenite moves the bovis into infinity often
that s why most good downsers felt very odd in the beginning to even dare posting that confirmation
this what is going on here we heard a lot ...heheheh
Really funny to look back at how it all came out of the woodwork
step by step
from seedling to massive oak
they even banned some dowsers on WM in those days , just for speaking out about that part of it
and these were all metal resin folk showing results after testing.
it s like that
there are a lot of blind cart horses out there
doing the mantra
forgetting life is bigger than dogmas and protocols
life is there to be experienced, to be enjoyed, despite all agendas
not look the other way and seek pleasure soleley
dont ignore the black wolfe , accept it into your life
give him its proper place
next to the white wolfe and one will do fine
dont let the black wolfe creep up on you in secrecy and silence
simply by locking it in the shed and forget about him
it does not work that way...the cherokee story keeps coming back to me as it is real thruth not some new age propaganda
the black wolfe is evil , yes, but has virtues too to be used but dont let it take you over and run you
the white wolfe is love, yes, but has some drawbacks too, weaknesses, keep that in mind
integrate it and be strong
respect both for what they are
and dont go into programmed mode
this good bad thing as that will keep you locked in the mind
in custody....
find balance of energy that s what it s all about and grow into more consciousness without going the new age parade
that s my opinion about it
do your own homework hahaha
no Jenn , this is not to you of course , talking in general here.
Just how I see it.
As a newcomer entering the healing club I thought what is going on here
yes the plasterite and other techniques sure work, proof galore, but what s this talk about "strange things"
this reality thing
I did not get it, I thought even Josh had taken too many secret mushrooms heheh
well to make a long story short I thought it was all a bit "wacky" back than, you know...
Later on I asked the German pioneer of the gypsum method about it
Being blatantly honest about my first trial pieces of plasterite etc, as they had results but...something was missing
something was left out of the picture.

I knew what it was, intuition always knows if you listen close enough but as stubborn as I am , nope
well, he listened to me and after another of my long winded 4 page stories he just said
" did you ask ? "
that s when I got the creeps
" you did not ask , did you " ?
no of course I did not ask , for heaven s sake , do I have to talk to plasterite now ?
:o ;) ;)
and, after my bla bla he said
"just ask"
and I thought he and the healing club are all on the same mushroom menu , but I knew that was true
and it is hard to accept truth
for newbees even more, coming out of the dark
knowing nothing
you have to ask , ask for nature to help you , to put it that way
or "the source" or whatever you want to call it
it is of utmost importance
once you understand that, or just try it , genuinly with the heart, things will be revealed
but it is a hurdle
in a way it is like "connecting" to a wild horse on the prairie
you cannot force the horse to do anything
you have to ask, level with it, understand it
all that stuff
not exacly daily menu for the IPhone people ....
but it works , as horses have their own particular character so does the plasterite you make
it is all unique
they may look the same, like kids, but they are still different

Coiling the broadcaster, I know, tricky , not as simple as it seems
it is really not that easy
when I made the first that was a surprise
it s a technique, I think MG once said something about it how to do it properly
ah he makes everything sounds so easy eh :lol:
but it can all be done
like Murielles super work, we never see Life Pillows / Polarizers and whoops out of the blue
she gets it and soon after, Bam, got ya :)
I dont get astonished easily but recently I watch some things with open mouth
especially since it is done in a resin technique
takes some practice etc but you were already not unfamiliar with that...the CB clubs there, etc

also your honesty in dealing with those topics is refreshing as most folk are into some sort of mind set given to them
this mantra thing , so appaling, while you just say it as it is
without giving a certain "spin" on things
just truth
wow refreshing in these times
feels good, a relief
Very proud of all of you there
I am really amazed by your mob , as for long MG has been the king of techniques of the life pillow
so beautiful and strong
such sincerity
and I had almost given up on the thought ANYONE would ever , you know..." get it"
make that breakthrough
and she is so spunky , Murielle, hahaha
someone to recon with I tell you :)

A lot of smiles on my face lately
that s something new...
dont worry the determined white knight grumpy mode is just around the corner
gosh I feel happy
seeing Murielle show that astonishing pieces with that typical wittyness of hers
giving MG the greasiest, fattest, most lovely and rebellious tongue in cheeck nod AND a way over the top wink
with this " oh just made a life pillow you know..."
Cheers and Enjoy
good work folks
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

ah they are still around , real heroes...amazed by the amount of aware folk
I love to see this...and you get a plasterite orgonite heart for free....I adore this as THIS is what it s all about
Can be done alone, as an individual which I like but there is also the group effort.
Wonderful work....Even better than Jasminco making CB build clubs in down under
that s good too...these CB workshops...This goes even beyond that
It is so important to present facts to the public...I also like the interviews...
In a time where "alternative media" sucks just as bad as mainstream it is a relief to wach this...As pure as it gets[/i]

You have all my gratitude, champions ;)

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Seeing such work makes my heart jump...makes it all worthwhile...all of it
hahhah ah Jenn, you even name the " Orgonite from Plaster FB group" ah well
that s nice of you...appreciated...And the Irish mob is doing such great work.
I dont know what to say...didnt even think it could be done , with the low level of awareness around us
You really know how to deal with plasterite lady J....You got it right !!
Like Murielle with her Life Pillows...right on...You even were on top of the intent angle of it
so so so important...nobody gets that....but some do intuitively...hit the nail in one go
seeing that kid come up to ask for a plasterite heart oh boy...that was purity we so seldom see nowadays
honesty purity light that s what selenite is about and much more
Never thought you girls squad would really pull that off you know..Been there done that jadija
thousand times nothing ...but no no....exception to the rule.
you know how it is organizing a march , 200 people sign on and you stand on a bridge with three people haha and downs...reality
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working on some things here...Also mentioning last week I lost over 500 Youtube views..
who cares ....plasterite making movies got over 500 view which is a lot for such a topic
and now, whoops, 40 got to laugh I are all fabulous :)

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I know life pillows are now made in Ireland hahaha new trademark ?
given to people who need it ...such outstanding work...I can be a bit rude and grumpy but you mob make me feel humble really do, matter thousands of kilos of orgonite gifted...such things make it all somehow connects the whole thing...and I feel proud to share it.[/size]

[and from down under...using old school but just as well good work

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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by jenny »

Glowing and encouraging words thanks. What we do we thoroughly enjoy. I'll post some more photos and comments when I remember how to do it.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

]hahaha..nice to hear you like ah it s the truth, such good work and it is an honour to see all that
.hey..ah I see, I will post instructions on how to post pics etc..., as it is an old school forum, not so fancy as FB...
will be done, will now post some latest plasterite....very strong , like a different world compared to my first work, years ago
cheers Lady J ...By the way , looking at that Broadcaster you made
You didnt go cheap on the wiring eh :) ...half the amount would have done the job hehe
honestly, but as they are "hammering us hard" as Gifter said, so true, it is a wise choice
to use that long cable to really start pumping out the good energy
the geo crap wont hold long in the proximity of that beauty...Guaranteed !!
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

Received the Life Pillows Photos, ah boy , just as cool as those of DustSand, very pleasant.
Although your Life Pillows are absolutely more feminine
The medicine bag type

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Highly appreciated, using original formula
thanks for sharing I am a very sceptical person, so I had to tripple check the life pillow
because just as with other techniques like the plasterite nobody talks about it except a few
Testing is really funny, how taste improves, pain gets decreased , all that in a simple formula
I know you use them for healing work , injuries etc, and therefor the leather types are more suited
to hold against the body. it is very pleasant to see how fast you girls get the swing of it and immediately put all that in good practical use
took us longer to work it all out, but as that s been achieved I d say....Enjoy :P ;)
Although it will take some time and effort one of the good side effects is it wont cost much money
you use the crystal water method to the max !
very clever
works just as well as real crystals
surprised me too I must add
Well , polarizers have to be tested to believe you know, it is a strange concept
very addictive things once you get used to them and know the power they possess
in a humble natural package. Again, one must test that technique to understand
it goes beyond the left brain, worth its weight in gold absolutely
The car ? Heheheh....I use these plasterite hearts also as energy savers in the car
they do work fabulously
Had a big cone in the car for months and noticed the milage increased
lower consumption, so I thought as the cone will be gifted soon, let s exchange that for some plastercrystal hearts
they do the job just as well
besides a lot of other things
again, something to test, not to believe or disbelief
For daily use I prefer to use the metal resin combo piece from Monsoon Orgonite Australia
for personal use on the body I use my own , a leather pouch
so I feel tremendously honoured to have one of those beauties, top product from a top orgonite maker
in balance with all techniques I have seen, regardless what flavor.
One of the few who bring in results and teach us new methods to work with so we learn something on the way
Top sharer, so important , to make folk take the first step into this wonderful world of life force energy.
And now parts of Ireland whisper his name hahaah
Thank you Jenny, ha , these are the sweetest life pillows I ve ever seen.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by jenny »

Thanks for your kind words, I was lucky to find some scraps of soft leather 'hanging around' for the pouches. The one addition I made to the mix was a couple of drops of Brigid Essence, a wonderful essence using the energies of our female Irish Saint Brigid, produced by my homeopath friend Mark.

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We have to thank you and the other guys for your tuition and videos, making it much simpler to hopefully get the 'recipe' right straight away. It's great fun making these, collecting the seaweed, drying it, stamping on it to pulverise it, bashing away at the crystals with a lump hammer to turn them to dust while apologizing, mixing everything together, like a child playing with sand.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

..Had to think a while what to say , so proud of what s happening.
Getting a bit emotional here, yes the grumpy gifter has a soft spot
seeing so much good work of you lot there over in Ireland and in Scotland too
actually more than that, more folk in more countries seem to be willing to go into new techniques
valid techniques bringing good results..what to say Jenn and mob, outstanding is what it is.
Never seen anything even close, and no, it is Josh we should pay tribute to as he is the only one
working on such topics as the polarizer to at least leave us outstanding tools to kick arse, and what tools of light those are
fabulous and strong , pure and simple, truth, so hard to come by these days.
unconditional truth...So..there you go, very original work Jenn, very eh..feminine in outcome..heheh..I love them.
Functional pieces and you did great using the pure recipe, not much bling bling in there.
Just good tools of light.....I must repeat again, worth their weight in gold....Like Selenite is has to "creep up on you" , before the mind can understand how beneficial it all is.
Even better, you make them using natural materials, from the sea...big wow, you take that extra mile , love that
Tested these thing over and over....they work so well...absolutely of the biggest eyeopeners ever, after plasterite
nice of you to share all other may become interested and do their homework for once
I think they are gorgeous...and I am happy you made it over that "bridge" most folk cannot get over in their lifetime.
Never thought we would see this , nobody touched those topics, except for a few, but no newbies
and look what happens now, wow wow wow :P :) ;)
nice to see there are still people around who can understand and who do care
megathumb up

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