Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

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Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Monsoon Gecko »

G'day Gifters....... Greetings from Australia
.Thought I'd share my experiences so far.

My first Broadcaster was a mini induction CB. wrapped with H'duty extension lead ,placed in
salt water in a lidded bucket. It ran a digital clock and sometimes a pedistal fan 24 / 7.
I noticed a strong , but pleasant orgone field instantly, I later replaced the CB with a purpose
built very large cone.This was double dipped in resin to prevent salt water corrosion, which
affected the previous CB.

On the way to work, I stopped into the local shop and into an orgone paradise. The staff and
customers were glowing and happy for first thing in the morning ! !
The shop has several upright fridges, couple of freezers,walk in coolroom, satelite Tv ,etc.
An electromagnetic radiation nightmare. Had already gifted Hhg and Tb which gave it
a pleasant atmosphere.
.......But this was very different....I think I walked out glowing too !
I drove along the country road ,dotted with 20 acre blocks and lined with regular powerlines.
I swear I could feel the orgone field all the way.

That was about 7 weeks ago.
Read post about toroidal shape Broadcaster, <doughnut shape> , so made for Bluegum,
and one each for Darwin and Palmerston.
Maybe Bluegum could post a picture.
So a bit about two weeks ago both were installed.
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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Monsoon Gecko »


The Darwin one Ok. The lady in Palmerston had to reset hers outside. It was too strong
inside so it runs 24/7 in an enclosed
After a visit I noticed the whole area very positive. The people in large shopping centre seemed
to be happy....many smiling...very unusual !

At this time of year , one month away from the shortest day the Top End should be in the
middle of the dry season......a beautiful time of the year....Cool nights ,30+* C during the
day....camping, fishing and NO rain.We had 1 week of dry season.....THEN.,,,

At the same time Broadcasters deployed , weather starts streaming across the continent,
from NW <Indonesia> through to east coast, dropping rain here and there...some really heavy esp.
in Darwin and further south, Gregory National Park was closed due to flooding.Also to east coast !
Trouble is high humidity and temperatures have been the Pits...revolting . Everyone's
hanging out for the dry .Looking forward to using a blanket again. Ha....Looks like dry weather
back next week...High pressure system moving in...Hooray !
Jeans and jumper instead of just jocks !....Thanks Josh....Broadcasters...Techniques that work ! ! !
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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Nepipemi »

Mine is still hooked up since earlier this spring. It was made by Josh. I am running the refrigerator, the cat's water fountain dish (always on), and my nano shield when it is not on batteries being carried around. Still plugging away, it is. I really, really notice a difference in the skies the past few months. I thought it was just going to be temporary but naw, they spray, it goes away! I'll post pics soon and will try to recall my initial impressions of when I first installed it.
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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Nepipemi »

Here are the promised pictures. They were once on another forum but removed and I don't know why. This is an incredibly powerful device.
Ok, how do you include pictures in the posts for this forum? I used the codes but it didn't do anything....?????

update! Cool, thanks Josh and admin, I'll post those pics now!

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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Josh »

Nepi I will see the person whom did this site may be Tuesday and I will show her your post, I am certain she will fix it :roll:
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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Nepipemi »

I will try to recall my first experiences with it. I am really disappointed that my initial report from earlier this spring was removed without explanation on WM, actually the entire topic was removed.

Let me preface this with explaining the device is like a huge HHG that is set up to backfeed orgone energy through the electric grid essentially gifting anyone who is on the same electric company.

The device itself is about a 5-10 lb piece of orgonite made with the usual ingredients with added herkimer diamonds, iron oxide and the typical HHG crystal layout. (It has been hooked up for a few months now so I can't recall exactly what it weighs). There is a large gauge, heavy duty extension cord (waterproof contractor grade), coiled tightly around the large orgonite cone. This is all set down inside a bucket. Both ends of the extension cord reach outside of the bucket, and the male plug end connected to a standard wall outlet. The other end is just above the rim of the bucket. For convenience sake, the lid of the bucket was included but with two holes cut for both ends of the extension cord to poke out. Redmond red earth salt was included to make a saline water solution enough to almost cover the orgonite. The top of the orgonite cone sticks up out of the water a bit. I put the device in my kitchen so I could plug the refrigerator into it since it runs frequently at a higher wattage than a nightlight. I tried to decide between a low wattage device that was always on or a higher wattage device that ran intermittently and the second option won out. I hooked up a multi-way splitter to the end of the extension cord and plugged in a few other devices as well including a water fountain that always runs, and an orgonite device with mobius coil that is powered by a 15 hz frequency generator. I figured with these devices running just about constantly, it would provide plenty of backfeed opportunity to see results.

I notified several of my friends who lived in town and only one was able to feel a difference. Easter Sunday this year was the first full day it was hooked up, I believe. (will repost the feedback from my friend). The weather was in the process of becoming spring so the other people could not decide if the improved mood, the cheerfulness, the sense of relief and well being was due to winter changing to spring or something else. So if you can imagine cold, dreariness, changing to warm brightness, well, that is what happened. I was totally on cloud nine for several days which is always what happens when I first bring new powerful orgonite devices into my home. I was running around crazy all amped up like I was high on speed or something. In my hyperdrive state of operating, I seemed to have a lot of self made disasters, spill, accidental mishaps, etc, and normally that stuff makes me just want to give up and go sit down and take a nap but during that first week, nothing, and I mean nothing seemed to phase my high. You wouldn't even believe how much stuff I was able to get done during that time.

I also noticed around that general time frame that spraying was not occurring as frequently as before. When I finally did notice spraying, it seemed like it was gone within a very short time. It is still like that even two months later, or has it been 3 months? There is a part of town that gets sprayed very heavy all the time and it still happens but it just doesn't stay around. I wouldn't recognize a slyph if one sat down on top of me but what happens is the chems start to dissipate and some huge and awesome cirrus looking cloud formations start to occur.

The resident dowser (now banned with no explanation) on the previous forum where this info was posted dowsed that the ambient energy of my region had been increased by 30-40% since the device was hooked up. I don't remember how large of a radius he said, though. The same person installed similar devices of his own in his region and experienced radical changes in the energy levels in his city. (I hope he will repost the info here soon) ;) :D
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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Steve »

My Broadcaster is still working beautifully after two months. Nice to see you all here!

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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Nepipemi »

Hi Steve! Nice to see you :-)
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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by Monsoon Gecko »

love your photos.....again.....built my first broadcaster based on these photos.
Easily made clear.....and what an oustanding device to help EVERYONE ! !

I seem to be in a constant state of excitement these days...ho much
so that I think I'm going to get totally


this weekend....can hardly wait..Ha ha
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Re: Broadcaster on the Electricity Grid

Unread post by bluegum »

Thought I'd include my donut Grid Buster pics for your pleasure and for those interested in how it was put together.

GridbusterIn.jpg (49.83 KiB) Viewed 1890 times
Gridbuster.jpg (33.97 KiB) Viewed 1890 times

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