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Unread post by Josh »

ok everyone let us do it
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Re: Welcome

Unread post by gifter »

Hi Josh, thank you for this wonderful opportunity to hold space for the orgonite makers and their wonderful ideas :-)

Love your pillows!! Thanks for the invite, I am not much for forums, but always have a open mind to learn and try new and better things to cleanse the earth.

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Re: Welcome

Unread post by bluegum »

Hey Josh, good work getting this going so soon.

May this forum become a hotbed of inventive and powerful orgone designs, testing and gifting ideas.
I don't make orgone myself but have been a field tester for new designs, particularly those made by Stephen (Monsoon Gecko).

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Re: Welcome

Unread post by Josh »

Hello Gifter, hello Bluegum
Why dont we start by making Orgonite a whole lot easier than what we have been doing : no metal, and no resin :o , this is an idea that come from a gent from Germany, he is making Orgonite with only plaster and stones, some crystals and lots of other stones: garnet, peridot, amazonite........what ever stones feels good to you, in his mix he had about a dozen different stones.
I have made plenty of plaster Orgonite ( anyone have a name for it ? may be plasterite?) the feel is very good from the report of sensitive peoples.
It is easy to make, take a mold and put a bit of fat in it for release, mix your plaster (I put in a wee bit more water so to be very liquid) pour in your mold and add your stones..........thats it!!!, now I have found that by putting in it a tablespoon of powdered copper per gallon of plaster will increase the energy coming out of it, but by it self it will do fine.
Plaster is most inexpensive
No smell
No sticky mess
The only thing is that you will not be able to do is put it outside, unless it is under cover, I always put a few coats of shellac on mines and it stay in good shape.
I also found that by crushing the crystals I get a better dispersion of the stones and better output.
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Re: Welcome

Unread post by gifter »

Josh my Friend
This sounds wonderful, because one of the things keeping me from making more than I already have is the cost of resin.
Question? Can a guy still use metal in the mix? Why I ask is during the winter I can't pour so I cut up with tin snips, copper ,stainless and aluminum. Have 6- 5 gallon pails for my summer pours.
I would guess if A guy wanted to put it in water or in the elements outside you could put it into a plastic sack or as you stated coat it with something.

How would you go about making a CB with the plaster?

I am sure I'll have more questions later,got to run.

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Re: Welcome

Unread post by Josh »

As far as a CB (Cloud Booster) is concerned I have found a most wonderful way to create a blue sky (on the same principle of the original Broacaster).
Make a plaster piece, it can be as big as you like, put some shellac on it, for ease of cleaning, leave it inside your house, and wrap an electric cord around it, (get a inexpensive cord 20 feet long) wrap it ( dowsed 7 times) and plug a small light into it, night light, salt lamp or a string of Christmas light or anything constant.
Repeat this procedure as many time as you can in your home,the more you do, the more Orgone is going into the power grid.
Oh I forgot, If you want to put a little metal in your plaster you can put in couple tablespoon of copper sulfate, it is really fine and add good color, or any metal oxides to add variety of colors and happiness to the pieces and to your home
This can be a fun thing to do with the children since plaster is harmless, let them use any type and shape of molds they wish (soap molds, cookie molds, any natural vessel ).
Let' s make " Plasterite" a part of our environment and have it diffuse a powerful yet gentle type of Orgone energy throughout the grid and throughout our homes.

Pictures wil be posted soon... :D
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Re: Welcome

Unread post by Josh »

By the way, I have made many CBs, even one with a 35 gallons base an 8 inches tube over 10 feet long, but never has the sky stayed so blue for so long as when I started doing the broadcaster, this is valid in every country where it was done
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Re: Welcome

Unread post by Monsoon Gecko »

Yo Josh....plaster and stones ?
This doesn't sound right....isn't it just a DOR collector?
How does the conversion of DOR to POR work ?
Is a quartz point used and if so, does the plaster have
a shrinkage to create the piezo electric affect ?
Look forward to more info and pictures.
Thanks and best regards.
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Re: Welcome

Unread post by Josh »

by josh on Sat May 29, 2010 3:42 am

Hello Stephen and welcome

I do not want to push the plaster exclusively, because I work with the resin as well, but if the people find this to be working,; what a gift to our nose, and our pocket book, but there are pieces you cannot make with the plaster, like pendants for example.

This is the site where I learn about plaster Orgonite:

http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_ur ... =Translate

I have had many energy sensitives who tested our plaster Orgonite and were impressed with the energy coming out of it, actually the cost involved in making a small one would be minimal, and if it is not producing as expected you can always put it in a bucket of water, dissolve the plaster and save your crystals.

If it works for you, I am certain all of your students would love having their hands in it I have a lady near me that is very sensitive, she says that it does not have the electric feeling of the resin and that it is very smooth like a living energy. Give it a shot, see what give, I am certain you will be pleased with the results, I have been making plaster Orgonite for about 8 month now and the results are very good, I spoke about it on WM sometime ago but stop posting about it because I did not want to impact Sensei's business by having everybody make cheap and effective Orgonite, but now I am no longer restricted

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Re: Welcome

Unread post by Nepipemi »

Hi all!!! Woo hoo, new orgonite forum This is great!!!!!! I love the smileys, lots of choices.

Monsoon Gecko, I am glad you asked because I had the same question and it was answered some time ago to my satisfaction but I realize I am still such a noob that I do not have a firm enough grasp on the info to repeat it. This is a great subject to get out in the open especially since someone just posted a negative followup about a previous experiment with plaster on the other forum.
<bows deeply to Josh> Thank YOU so much, for setting up this forum. My wishes are that it will see plenty of positive use and a long, healthy, happy life. I will write more soon enough but I have to recharge the batteries...so many things to talk about. Time for bed.

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