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Tonight my daughter came into the kitchen to see my latest bowl plasterite creation, and was wowed by how smooth the sheen on it was. In the very next breath, she said, “you know, this will sound crazy, but Daddy, my room feels different with all of those painted pieces in there now… it feels “lighter” and brighter, kind of, like there is more energy in there” :)

I told her what others are saying here about their experiences and she just lit up! “For real???” YEP! I told her she should feel something different, and that it feels even better when painted… she interrupts me then and says “that’s because I put so much of me into it, my energy and emotion!?” LOL!!!!! YEP!!!!!!

Gotta love it. :) Out of the mouth of babes (well not technically, she is 23 years old). :) She has asked/demanded that I get to work and crank out many, many more, and so I will do as she has requested, and get ready to buy more PAINT!!! LOL Just bought 40.00 worth of tubes of acrylic paints and glitter packs for her, they are going quick!!!

One last very true story. Yesterday, she had a huge emotional meltdown after a very traumatic weekend with family issues at home with her Mom and sister. I had to pick her up from over there after a very hectic call for help from her. I got her home, she walked into her room, and 2 minutes later, you would never have known she had been having a bad, bad, bad, day. I swear…. she literally was “uplifted” IMMEDIATELY from the close proximity to our lovely babies here. She has been great since, as if it happened, but now it had dwindled to a proper memory, not a living nightmare. Simply amazing. There just aren’t words that can possibly capture my awe and gratitude at this point. I so love “this”. I talk to it now, constantly… LOL :) Yep, gone fishing and forgot the hooks! LOL They all are alive, magically, somehow. They each have distinct “personalities” as well as can be defined. No other way to put it. The painted pieces my daughter has made SING, they really just scream this JOY. It blows me away to behold such incredible wonder. She is so proud of them, owns them in a surreal sense, and they love her, I think… crazier than anything else I’ve said, I suppose, but just as real to me. They really love her. And me too, I can feel it.

Tomorrow, my biggest piece comes to work with me at my office in DC. I’m going to wrap an extension cord around it, and plug in something like an air freshener…. I expect the world as we know it to be changed by noon….. LMAO!

