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Posts: 2

hello to the Plaster-Organite-Team!

I found your stuff first thing this summer and with your info’s and the help of Timo,, ; I build my peaces and I wax them and drop and bury them everywhere. :/


  • I wondered what the cupper powder was for. 
  • How does the shellacing work in detail, please? 
Here is my film:
On 17th November my first cloudbuster was ready. I used a very new way of doing it.
November 24, 2011 at 12:09 PMFlag Quote & Reply

monsoon gecko

Posts: 636

G’day devanshu……you have an excellent instructional video there…nice.

The shellac was suggested as a natural coating , to make cleaning easy…quick wipe over….and to seal the outer surface as it tends to go a bit powdery over time…I don’t think it makes the plaster waterproof, but does give a nice shiney surface using a few  coats.

These 3 replaces orgonite broadcasters in town...the smaller ones have been shellaced.

The copper powder was used as additive in the plaster to boost power…..pretty sure it worked to an extent , but how much , not sure.. Similarly, I used many stones and gems….Josh ( suggested putting all those stones in a large jar of water in the sun to capture their essence, so to speak, and use the water in the plaster mix. This seemed a great idea… the same principle applied to gold or gold leaf in the water.

I recently made a couple more plaster broadcasters. The materials :


I n the bottom left, beachshells with a quartz point, a resin life pillow puck and an orgonite which are incorporated in the mix…The large glass vase supported in a bucket of sand and a seperate container of sand with a frequency generator (orgonite powerwand) turned on through the whole curing process…….Still like to use a large quartz point, while I still have them…force of habit..But works without


So water in the bucket first, then sprinkle in the plaster…. for every 3 cups of plaster, one cup of sand…when you see plaster sitting on the surface without sinking straight away, you are ready to stir the mix thoroughly.


Ready to starting broadcasting the electricity grid… create a pleasant orgone field to boot.



November 26, 2011 at 7:37 AMFlag Quote & Reply

monsoon gecko

Posts: 636

A bit more plaster play in Wagga Wagga




Three broadcasters cleaning the electricty grid

January 10, 2013 at 9:15 PMFlag Quote & Reply

monsoon gecko

Posts: 636

G’day all ….there’s been quite a few folk exploring the exciting energy of plaster orgonite of late …and a few new and innovative techniques explored

Firstly , an interesting video tutorial with great sound track too


Next, I came across this vid , the author using concrete pieces ….I must say , I do not agree with most of his philosophies , but the techniques of using the Bernoulli Ring array had me fascinated and excited , …..


So I knocked up a quick throw together,, using plaster orgonite techniques of course……. making the tetrahedrons in the corners of cardboard boxes…. came out rough as , but wow…surprisingly energetic ..!!!

 photo DSCN2173_zps9cc7400a.jpg


Then , through a Face Book group exploring plaster orgonite, I found this Vid showing how to make very smooth tetrahedron forms…used in  Bernoulli arrays…….you beauty !!!


Next job was to hunt down an older style plastic crate, and took to it with an angle grinder….. this gave me two tetrahedron moulds , .So after a couple of pours ,had my first Bernoulli Ring array…..WOW … now this did blow me away with energy . easily felt standing nearby…..I did a Bovis reading that spun up around the 40 million mark……Whooooa  ! now that is something !!!

Each piece weighs around 7 kilos and about 40cm across at the longest length.

The photo shows the plaster Bernoulli Ring and the two plastic moulds used with the remains of the plastic crate

 photo DSCN2220_zps0f6a7eef.jpg


So if you are after a cheap, but extremely strong orgone device, this could be the one to have a play with

Cheers and enjoy