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monsoon gecko
Posts: 122
About time I shared this great new technique…I’ve been trialing for a couple of months now.It’s called Josh’s Life Pillow and can be ordered from

Basically, it’s a soft leather pouch containing 23 diff. gems, crushed, two rare earths and three herbs.When you pass it over food, water , virtually anything , it reverses the harmfull negative spin to a positive within a second.  If something is harmful to us , it has a neg. spin, the more poisonous, the stronger the spin.  I emailed  Josh…was this spin stuff at the electron level or what ?

..He replied that a collegue of his former work stated the if you focus a special beam at an object and capture its reflection you can see the spin state. He could see this reversing using the Life Pillow but could not understand why and how quickly this was happening.


So what does this mean?

By passing the Life Pillow over a substance..within a couple of cm… it will be “purified” . Food tastes wonderful…plain homecooked throw together tastes gourmet….every night ! Take away junkfood….if you like that stuff …..actually can be eaten safely and taste good ! Water is charged to taste sweet and lively…leaving a crisp tingle on your tongue…totally enjoyable….chlorine taste just disappears


The Life Pillow also has a profound benefit to one’s health. I took my pillow to school and showed students how  to use and passed around. when I mentioned energising water…there was a rush on pillowing their waterbottles…it was just priceless watching their surprised faces when drinking the energised water..Couple of times there was a fall or accident in the playground…the pillow was held over the pain and eased considerably in a couple of minutes…..the students hunted out the pillow at recess and lunch time to pillow their food…kids are great at trialling stuff…they don’t bullshit..

My phd science mate stated that he could feel energy travelling up his arm  when he held the pillow. He said it might work on energy meridians as in accupuncture points…as the energy centered around a blockage in his shoulder and freed it up !  Then he was totally blown away when we pillowed a glass of water and compared tastes to a second glass.


I pillow water used in drinking of course but also for energising water for plaster orgonite. I sleep with the pillow and have noticed the whites of my eyes much clearer and the red veins shrinking.

A friend ordered 2 Pillows through me, after playing with mine, The day I delivered them, she had a painful crinked neck. She sat among the desk full of paperwork , holding one pillow either side of her cup of tea . After about 20 seconds, she moved her head from side to side and said she heard a click and then with a huge smile stated that the pain has vanished. ! !

A week later she rang saying how fantastic the pillows were and asked me to order 3 more  !! Lucky family and friends I reckon. I’ve heard many reports of arthritis sufferers reporting relief and symptoms disappearing by using the pillow as a squeeze device in the hand…

All sounds too good to be true.?

I hold a pillow either side of the fuel hose when filling the car…Just scraping the surface for uses of Life Pillow,

I’m looking forward to my gourmet meal tonight……as usual. ! Master Chefs….eat your heart out…..Ha  Ha

Further info can be found at…

Yo……….Enjoy !

July 8, 2010 at 4:58 AMFlag Quote & Reply

Posts: 107
I have been experimenting with these for a while. Really good for resting or sleeping with to alleviate aches or stiffness, although I recommend doing serious yoga as well.

I haven’t noticed as much difference with the food, but I drink water that is already well filtered and energised; probably the cherry on top. I also try to cook very healthy vegetarian food which isn’t toxic or unhealthy to begin with. I suspect it might be a useful way to amplify conscious energising of food and drink which is good to practice even with out pillows.

I have lent mine to a few energy sensitive people I know to play with and they liked it; thought it was more subtle and perhaps worked differently to orgone devices.

Testing continues.

The only problem with a closed mind is that you only learn the truth after you’ve become a victim of it.

July 8, 2010 at 7:45 AMFlag Quote & Reply

Posts: 25
Hello beautiful Australia

This is what was told to me by a chemist friend, he said that by shining a polarize light into any substance, the reflection will show you the direction of the spin,  and at this point it would be good to make something clear: the reflection will show the reverse of what is happening within the substance, so if the reflection shows a strong left spin, it means that the substance has a strong right spin , and vice versa.

So the statement that I made a while back saying that right spin is good and left spin is not so good is actualy wrong ; it is backward………………………………………..but, BUT it is my first mistake this year, so I’m doing OK:), and last time that I made a mistake it was………now lemme see,,,,,,,,,1946…… 1945:P


July 8, 2010 at 2:37 PMFlag Quote & Reply

monsoon gecko
Posts: 122
Josh…Ha ha….Thanks for clearing that up, your version sounds better. Yesterday, friend came back from a fishing trip with hand and wrist very swollen from reaction to sandfly bites…uncomfortable and very itchy….Gave her the pillow saying rest this on your hand. She took it home and returned next day…swelling gone down, back to normal… anti-histamines.
July 8, 2010 at 8:37 PMFlag Quote & Reply

Posts: 107
Hi Josh…by spin do you mean that there is like a spiral vortex of energy around the food like a mini cyclone or hurricane? Perhaps being in the southern hemisphere, it’s reversed and in fact you’ve led an exemplary life without a single mistake…

…hehe. :^]

The only problem with a closed mind is that you only learn the truth after you’ve become a victim of it.

July 8, 2010 at 8:38 PMFlag Quote & Reply

Posts: 25

bluegum at July 8, 2010 at 8:38 PM


Hi Josh…by spin do you mean that there is like a spiral vortex of energy around the food like a mini cyclone or hurricane?

Perhaps being in the southern hemisphere, it’s reversed and in fact you’ve led an exemplary life without a single mistake…

…hehe. :^]

From what I understand it possible to see the the spin from this reflection, so we have the polarized light (not vibrating all over the place as regular light)  hitting the substance and bouncing back out, it is only showing the spin down the molecular level, so there is no physical vortex,  (gosh my IQ is only 23 and it is a bit of a problem) here is an example

The man made ascorbic acid has a left spin, so it is not so good for you, but the vit. C from orange juice has a strong right hand, that makes it OK

One thing that help a lot, as you know most medical pills have side affects, you pass the pillow on the pills for a second and they become less noxious

Now for this southern hemisphere thingy, if I move there would it reverse all those years of being a dork?, if it is the case, I will make a very large pakage with our politicians in it:roll:

Well…….for my self………it would be hard to improve on perfection hA HA HA………this was really a big joke

July 9, 2010 at 12:30 PMFlag Quote & Reply

Posts: 107
Dorks are universal…

…I think they originated from the far side of Neptune. One of their mantras is “dorks shall inherit the Earth”…apparently later plagerised by another well known text, although debate still continues along the chicken and egg line. $^]

The only problem with a closed mind is that you only learn the truth after you’ve become a victim of it.

July 10, 2010 at 1:55 AMFlag Quote & Reply

monsoon gecko
Posts: 122
Yo…gifters…Update…a lot has happened since last post, The lady who ordered more pillows reports very happy results. She gifted one fellow who has on going medical problems, regular hospital, major operations, parts taken out, continual pain and ongoing complications…now his life has smoothed out, pain and problems diminished and reports more daily energy and enthusiasm for life…..what a blessing ! He carries it everywhere.

She’s much the same, along with her husband. He checks his pillow under his pillow..(ha ha ) every night in case she’s hidden it ! ha ha

So I decided to order 6 more pillows for family members. Customs( AQIS )  impounded them , possible threat to Aussie agriculture etc..many emails back and forth , (Thanks Josh) At one stage they wanted to radiate..gamma..Josh said not a problem..the pillow works on EMF protection, will probably stuff up machine, but that would take 6 to 8 weeks so I elected to give permission to unstitch and examine contents…they emailed back it’s full of powder…Doh, slaps in forehead !… I’d already told them originally, all they’d find is seaweed, sand and powdered minerals. They wanted more info…for the record… so we gave a partial list with which they were happy…thanks again Josh.

Eventually , they arrived…worth the hassle as now, anyone else ordering a Pillow or two will get no such problem.


Of course..regular gourmet food and tangy water…but recently had a stressful day at school and arrived home with very stiff neck…I could feel a kink coming on and didn’t feel like 2 or 3 days of not being able to turn my head without pain. I leaned back on lounge with Pillow on neck for 10 minutes and noticed easing of muscles, then I lowered pillow a bit for a short while, then lowered further for a bit…this process continued a couple of minutes for the rest of my spine untill I got to kidney area… funny…I could feel each vertebrae tingling as the pillow moved down,,,,Next morning, big toilet flush out….gratitude !

On…they are finding more profound uses.This may be…no….IS the best money I’ve spent in a long time,seeking techniques that work. !


September 3, 2010 at 8:28 AMFlag Quote & Reply