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Forum Home > Gifting Reports…. > PLASTER ORGONITE | ||
monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | YO…Gifters,….here’s a new technique that everyone can try…only limitation…indoor use only ! Info and research from….Orgonite I was very skeptical about this one and posted so. But loving research and trialing…what a surprise ! ! ! I made 3 Hhg plaster orgonites last weekend. Used a s/steel pyramid, a large martini glass and a tall cylindrical plastic takeaway container.It was quite a wet mix.. crystals sank to the bottom…even thought it wouldn’t harden…poured off half a cm of water that accumulated on top of the moulds during hardening. Sprayed silicone release in the pyramid and glass…all came out with a couple bangs on table..poured left over plaster into another glass mould and ceramic bowl with no release agent..they came out easily too.! The important thing here is that I can use all my moulds safely…silicone, glass and s/steel. Even the giant glass vase for a plaster Broadcaster !
I must share my energy sensitivity….right from the very first Tb’s, I could feel the orgone field. My best description is like a spiritual pressure to my forehead…third eye,,,pineal gland ? I have made many devices since and each new one takes some time getting used too the strong orgone’s , both standard and induction types,…114 and UCB..underground cloud buster. PM..peacemaker,,,Those last 3 , I discover from Etheric Research Forum….definitely worth a look ! The 114 , I couldn’t go near for a couple of days…it pumped..also brought first helicopter ! Then came the Broadcaster and now Plaster Orgonite….I couldn’t believe the energy given off by these 3 plaster Hhg’s..a very powerful orgone field. I used quite a few crystals and minerals..most from previous ebay purchases …mainly strung chip beads. The list includes : lapis lazuli. sodalite, tourmaline, kyanite , tiny ruby chips, mica flakes. tiger eye, amethyst, rose quartz, garnet, sugalite, moss agate and turquoise. Also included was a chunky 1 inch Aussie lemurian smokey quartz point. The minerals were all tiny broken pieces , about 3 or 4 of each. I thought…you beauty…I can make these SAFELY with kids at school…so I spent next day hammering these stones to smaller chips and some powder ! < Of course I saved a few >. This is for 2 reasons: 1, Apparently, smaller pieces and powder work better…so now the largest chip is about 5mm. 2. I’ll be making Hhg’s with students this week in my favourite teacup size glass moulds…actually a couple of old punchbowl sets……I want to preserve my resources. I know what kids are like….they’ll want to use more than is needed…this way they are limited to a pinch or two of each sample….crazy ! I’m actually looking forward to going to work ! ! Can still feel energy two days later ! So to school loaded up with goodies…Students keen as they are all quite energy sensitive So we layed down the ground rules and each student collected 3 or 4 ,pieces each of the 19 samples in their t/away container and in groups of 4 made and poured their Hhg’s after my demo…this time I remembered to include a t/spoon of copper powder in each mix……..all came out great and only 1 broken glass which already had a crack in it,……they all reported feeling energy when held…good one. Tomorrow we’ll decorate with oxides from old pottery supplies and if dry enough shellac 3 layers. Don’t you wish you had a teacher like me…I sure wish I had ! ! The point here is that anyone can make powerful orgonite without the expense and toxicity of curing polyester resin….but remember…….no good for outdoor gifting. Give it a try and post results for all to share……..ENJOY
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monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | Yo so today arrived at school to happy staff which is normal but noted higher energy. Kids were zooming around all playing together, not the normal layed back morning ! Students enjoyed classwork, actually All participated enthusiasticly! WOW……day flew past and they went home smiling and chatting. The school,s already well gifted but today was an eye opener..!
So, to the Plaster Orgonite,,,,,,still damp,,,we played with them for a while…some confirmed energy when held…couple didn’t. I demo..ed a trial with the oxides …bit tricky…the shellac flakes didn’t want to dissolve so …… we made another lot of plaster orgonite ! I just wanted to trial my silicone moulds….star, heart and flat top pyramid…all Tb size Made a few extras for staff, Students really loved collecting the raw materials and mixing the plaster and bit of copper powder, The pour came out perfectly..nice shiny surfaces, with bits of crystal colours hinting through. I wonder if their homes will glow as much as the school did.? Holidays coming up…won’t see them till next term. Next trial….a large plaster Broadcaster……Enjoy.
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monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | PHOTOS
Enjoy | |
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monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | Ok who ran out to grab some plaster and handfull of tumbled stones ? Come on hands up,,,let count..! mmmmm ……only a few ?
Hold on …I hope I,m not talking to my self…..!
Guess what I made today?
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Rayce Member Posts: 56 | A plaster caste to donate to the hospital? or a new house? On a serious note…..could you make TBs with these? I’ve been pretty busy with work (15 hour days) so things are slowing down for me. My next lot will be earthpipes,,,,,,as I suspect they are tunnelling below us. Just odd mechanical noises and low rumblings during the night. Highly unusual noises for what we are use to. A friend also told me they spotted a UFO up north around Stanwell Park (edge of Royal national Park). He was adamant and said it was really moving. Too fast for conventional craft. No pics unfortunately. I’ve noticed things around that area also. | |
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monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | Yo …Rayce….no and no and yes. ! Tb;s definately indoor jobs !
Underground tunnels…wouldn’t surprise me at all…wouldn’t expect coastal down your way….Bastards…I’ve heard they criss cross Australia….Earthpipes a good idea! Have fun as usual..ha ha. Plaster Orgonite Broadcaster….this one you don’t need a bucket of salt water…..just an extension cord. These electricity grid broadcasters are the bees knees in orgone generation. They benefit everyone on the powergrid…right back to the source. ! So here’s my photobucket essay on how to….enjoy !
Comments appreciated. | |
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Josh Member Posts: 15 | ||
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Josh Member Posts: 15 | ||
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Josh Member Posts: 15 | Look like Josh do not know how to post![]() | |
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Josh Member Posts: 15 | One more time, hello everyone glad to be with Orgonite folks, hello MG![]() | |
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monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | G’day Josh and also Nepi, WELCOME… Good to have your input.,from time to time. Congradulations on your new website..Orgonite Plus and thankyou for sharing these new techniques that put simple orgonite making in the hands of everyone < even kids > at a minimum cost…..plaster ! | |
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bluegum Member Posts: 82 | Actually making plaster casts from this matrix would probably heal the bones quicker haha. Try getting a hospital to go along with that!! This is great MG; how strong do you find these plaster versions? Hope to have some good news of my own in near future (wish smilie faces worked for me :^[ ) | |
— The only problem with a closed mind is that you only learn the truth after you’ve become a victim of it.
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monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | Yo …Bluegum…they do seem to be strong, but not like orgonite, but similar…eh? I can feel a sharp, electrical type buzz when holding orgonite…virtually straight away, With plaster orgonite, it’s subtler…..kind of creeps up on you…but after a while….really gets a tingle up when held……I know I’ll be making more. especially at schools, but still have many gameplans with resin orgonite to complete,
Reccommend everyone trial for’s pretty easy and far cheaper than resin.
Bluegum, Looking forward to your next gifting report…’s been quite a huge mission. Still raindancing down your way ?
It’s going to be a good year with orgonite…..Goodness, almost half gone already ! ! | |
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Josh Member Posts: 15 |
MG I have been putting stuff together in favor of the Plasterite, see if it all fit: The reasons why Plasterite is working, – we may have enclosed within the plaster body a large amount of microcopic air bubble trap within the matrix, giving us a almost infinite number of resonant cavities – we also have within the structure of the plaster the whole spectrum of colors that is repeted in every molecules – we as well, if we are to believe our progressive biology, going toward a more crystaline structure, rather than the carbon base as we are presently That may be a reason why some feel it and some do not, some folks may already be resonating within a crystaline paradigm josh | |
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monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | This plaster orgonite is getting more interesting all the time. I note the constant attacks on the david icke forum. These guys seem to pull every excuse imaginable as to why it can’t possible work, but their thinking is limited to what know…resin orgonite….me too, untill I bravely experimented …Ha ha. They philosophise ? stuff we already know, endlessly in circles, yet can’t or stubbornly won’t Josh…not sure about progressive biology going crystaline,, sounds a bit star trekky….light beings maybe,? However , I can relate to concept of almost infinite number of resonant cavities along with the infinite number of nano size selenite crystals in the plaster matrix….the more I find out about selenite, the more wonderous,,,no surprise it’s a common additive in orgonite . My shellaced plaster Broadcaster’s been up and running for 2 days now…very strong at first…seems to have settled in …or maybe I have…….Think I’ll shut down the other broadcaster and see if I can pick up anything ….for a few days. Poured today in my new tetrahedron moulds…not perfect but keen to further experiment….they work ok..just need to improve technique. Play time..ha Then a few more broadcasters…both kinds. | |
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Josh Member Posts: 15 | Hello Stephen, Yea this crystalline progression is a bit striching, but I am grabing at all I can that could give a reason for this working, today I will remove my original broadcaster that I made about 6 years ago, it is a large sphere of Orgonite, It is still in the salt water, so today it will be replaced by a large Plasterite cone![]() | |
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bluegum Member Posts: 82 | MG…I’d suggest you don’t even waste your energy on forums like that Icke one. The reasons are numerous (and I’m sure you’re aware of them already); principally, Icke for me is a master stroke for the NWO elitists whether intentional or not. He provides the perfect avenue for many ‘truthers’ and ‘conspiracists’ novices who have poor discernment to become involved and quickly trapped in the spider’s web that is conspiracy intellectuallism. You can quickly see from that single thread how egos are being fed by those who think they know better and how they make the age old blunder of not testing for themselves and deferring to what they expertly ‘know’ as truth. Reich was brilliant, but like Einstein, not infallable. You think either of those two stuck dogmatically to previous expert’s proofs? Too many self labelled conscious/awakened individuals are getting entrenched and stuck in the glue that is conspiracy info wars when that entirely misses the point. We need to avoid staring at the evil eye and focus our third eye on what contributes to the light. Fighting the servants of darkness is futile and will result in personal catastrophe. Its intention is to draw us into a battle of light over dark…a losing battle for those fool enough to engage in that level of false awareness. Humility, modesty and quietness while working on your own internal energy state is the way of the Universe while the storm rages over head. | |
— The only problem with a closed mind is that you only learn the truth after you’ve become a victim of it.
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monsoon gecko Member Posts: 79 | Aah ha….point taken , Thankyou Bluegum. | |
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Rayce Member Posts: 56 | Go Bluegum…couldn’t have put it better myself. There is news afoot about things that all will soon know about as it comes to light. Hate breeds mistrust breeds doubt breeds misinfomation. What a wicked web we weave!!. | |
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bluegum Member Posts: 82 | Obviously this isn’t the most popular forum, but it is about gifting; how we gift, when we gift and where we gift. I think that says it all. Perhaps that’s why it’s not so popular because unless you’re being and acting, rather than knowing better, this site probably doesn’t offer you much. Essentially we’re Earth gifters…we don’t need no stinking ego wars. | |