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Haha Sunflower well found, and yes it’s ‘Out of the Bag’ It’s hardly surprising that there was no mention of Plasterite, so now is an opportunity to let people know about it. I’ve mixed feelings about this, it would be much easier just to keep pouring and say nothing, but Ireland is a relatively large country for just a few people to cover. Though my intention for the New Year is to pour a bag of plaster one weekend and gift around a town the next weekend. Not sure if any of my buddies will be very enthusiastic about that idea. Let’s see how it goes, as you know about 30 people here have been shown how to make it over the summer, and maybe they will be inspired to make more when the weather gets better.
i loved your earlier post from last night.
There was a nice chit-chat after I posted a picture of a little display in our local Beauty Salon, and mentioned that the owner said a lot of people ask about it.
Maurice Dodd I cant put my finger on it but we made some some of juliet etc..and kept them in the car /sitting room..but with two young kids we found things calmed down straight away..the kids still torment each other but its more good natured..?my missus who is skeptical commented on it..i just keep saying” .that will be the cones”
Jenny Mortell That’s supposed to be the idea Maurice, to create positive Life Force Energy and create a pleasant atmosphere. Great when the effects are noticed. We hear and read lots of reports of great unexpected results, for example depressed people getting a boost or agitated people calming down. That’s why we love it so much. When are you going to gift around Greystones Maurice Dodd? Or maybe you did already?
Maurice: I have gifted Jenny..and i will make some more and gift them..our cones are on fire place and windowsill..when other parents ask “what are they” when i explain about selinte they dont scoff..they are genuinely interested..and open.. a bit..anythiing that quietens down kids will always be interesting to parents…in our house we struggle..we dont have a lot of modern stuff..we dont have the money to be honest..but we have a sense of “calm” in our living room….the two kids are at school or creche..most of the time..but when they are at home they are CONSTANTLY drawing hearts for me and her..or happy pictures..of famjly and love..they kill each other but all good natureally ..maybe and perhaps it would be like that anyway..but im the type of person who picks up on negative energy..ive noticed theres none in our house lately..and people seem to love being here..( Just my two cents )
Jenny Mortell What a lovely post thank you Maurice Dodd – I should print it out and frame it.
Juliet Kelly That’s great Maurice another friend who got some off me, she has two large cones on her hearth said the same thing, her kids were better, one even got a job, she was thrilled, then her sister in law got some to. All I here are good stories. Jenny I love the colour of those you’ve shown, such a calming colour
Maurice Dodd I forgot to mention we were generously gifted our cones and hearts from Juliet Kelly..small hearts are in our car and in kids bedrooms cones and sprial in liviing room..
Brigid Gallen And they look beautiful as well as helping.