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ah you can do this Aine, just follow intuition
or , if no pep talk helps, 8004 use a stencil 8011
you can do this even better
for me it is just an example to show posibilities
that s all…creativity…in worst case just paint it over
you can try maybe something Irish hehehe….or a ..haiku..


on a side note here, lost the book, but fortunately, just could conveniently login to, the book site, was enough
to re-download the book, very fancy in my opinion, how often we misplace a book and never find it again
or the dog has its mysterious ways or the coffee can hits jackpot, etc

Draiocht ( Vision )

Magic happens in the cool waters of healing wells
making the journey under clay; to offer up
cures within its life force.
I’ve seen it as winter blends its end of days
into the arrival of spring. On mountains
and boundaried fields as morning mist
Within myself when i forget the world a while
do nothing except listen to the order of things
or stare into space.
Within the lunar cycles when moon phases
stir the spirit in an ancient way; as it passes
on its journey.
Its there too on the faces of new born babies;
reddened from the delicate path taken
from womb to world, dark to light.



2SCHAUBERGER LIVING WATER.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro.jpg

Order History - Internet Explorer.jpg


a tip from Jenn 8010

Another one, too good to be left out
Who reads those material nowadays?

I hope you keep your poetry to move along the same lines Aine
It is really good.

On the windy hill
his shell lies in the modern graveyard
devoid of flowers and over the top
headstones. Another parochial rule
even in death the papal orders are
engraved in the soil.
Although entombed there on that windy hill
with views of Gortin Glens and the Sperrins
in every direction; his spirit is not there
It’s here among us, with family ties.
Striding along side me in my daily deaths

Watching my unfoldment.

Guth An Anam (Voice of the soul)
Aine Mac Aodha


Newgrange (Irish: Sí an Bhrú)[1] is a prehistoric monument in County Meath, Ireland, located about one kilometre north of the River Boyne.[2] It was built during the Neolithic period around 3000 BC to 2500 BC,[3][4] making it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.[

Once a year, at the winter solstice, the rising sun shines directly along the long passage, illuminating the inner chamber and revealing the carvings inside, notably the triple spiral on the front wall of the chamber. This illumination lasts for about 17 minutes.[5] Professor M. J. O’Kelly was the first person in modern times to observe this event on 21 December 1967.[28] The sunlight enters the passage through a specially contrived opening, known as a roofbox, directly above the main entrance. Although solar alignments are not uncommon among passage graves, Newgrange is one of few to contain the additional roofbox feature; (Cairn G at Carrowkeel Megalithic Cemetery is another, and it has been suggested that one can be found at Bryn Celli Ddu.[29]). The alignment is such that although the roofbox is above the passage entrance, the light hits the floor of the inner chamber. Today the first light enters about four minutes after sunrise, but calculations based on the precession of the Earth show that 5,000 years ago first light would have entered exactly at sunrise.[15]

The solar alignment at Newgrange is very precise compared to similar phenomena at other passage graves such as Dowth or Maes Howe in the Orkney Islands, off the coast of Scotland. Current-day visitors to Newgrange are treated to a re-enactment of this event through the use of electric lights situated within the tomb. The finale of a Newgrange tour results in every tour member standing inside the tomb where the tour guide then turns off the lights, and lights the light bulb simulating the sun as it would appear on the winter solstice. Anyone visiting the historic site can experience an approximation of the phenomenon any time of year, and is often the highlight of the tour. A lottery is held annually for “tickets” to allow the holder into the tomb to view the actual event. The popularity of this event was the reason a lottery was introduced, and also why the lights were installed.[citation needed]