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May 28, 2024 at 6:12 am
Yes we will do a little ” healing session” why not, let s rock
around 15:00 hrs my time that is 14:00 hrs in Ireland, one hour to go haha
we will see
sending some good vibes over, doing some connecting
we can do this once in a while
does not have to be each week heheh
around 15:00 hrs my time that is 14:00 hrs in Ireland, one hour to go haha
we will see
sending some good vibes over, doing some connecting
we can do this once in a while
does not have to be each week heheh
How can we describe this topic
….. but also to just mention an end to chemtrails, geo-engineering, a return to blue skies and a healthy environment…..
Affirmation group haha yeah
why not
good thought
how did you find 96 people ?
ok job well done, as usual
iarraidh eagna agus neart agus soiléire smaoinimh
iarraidh feasacht fíor aon dul le bhfuinneamh timpeall orainn a fheicimid agus nach féidir a fheiceáil
maithiúnas, glacadh, ag obair i dtreo an tsolais
riamh a thabhairt suas
tá muid níos láidre ná a deir siad
Is breá liom seo
spéir gorm do gach duine