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but there is a bit more to it
depending on the type of cement as there are many completely different species of it
usually some sort of amalgemation of different materials, but they come in all sorts.
Maybe first wait if I get some sort of reply, one can never tell nowadays
As most dont even respond nowadays, very strange behavior
in my former facebook group orgonite plus I did message the members
when they were online and not really doing too much, hmm nothing actually
to see what they were up too
most folk today think making the world a better place involves only clicking on a button or something
it s really sad , so no response , than I click , whoopsy there you go …..
it s really shitty nowadays , the nonsense they give us, for me facebook is mainly sheeple farming
with some small exceptions, well, for example that s where we bumped into one another LOL
so you see, even what the system gives us as can have a benefit, although I am sure it is not in their interest for orgonite to expand in that way LOL
but it happens, so after all Stephen was right about it , with some shortcuts here and there
that s why folk like us usually end up in places like this or like this San Diego dude with his natural super energetic tools of light on some simple blog or etsy page or whatever
that s as far as it goes for real folk
the fakers you see on BBC , the Ickies, the Joneses, what have you that Messiah creep , what s his name
Russel millionair but you have to be starving Brand nutcase…talking to some offshoots of the Rothshilds and you name it
If people, at this stage , still havent figured out who s who than there is no hope for them
as it is so blatant now it is turning into a soap.
Carlin said it once if you dont vote you have the right to piss them off
and I happily do so
all of them
even as a child I knew it s all one big fancy well presented illusion
they just cannot grow up
there is a method out there but that has been turned into another , one of many , artificial hoopla techniques
I dont like that, it is not something that excells
it keeps the thing grounded
using copper wires , snippets, lots of it , into cement or something
never really took off
I am not saying it does nothing, maybe it does
but it is not the way forward
it s like using the thing Timo did in his early trials, using better resins
more natural resins, in his escalation to the real breakthrough
it is not good enough
as he said himself later on
it just wont do
yes J , some folk have guts or balls if we can use that politcially incorrect phrase, yes we can
they say, all real pioneers will say sometimes we fucked up, didnt work, it s crap
total flop
and they go back to the drawing board and do it better the next time
untill they get it right, like a cook working on a new recipe
they progress while the rest pollutes the world even further with not too energetic builds
as simple as that
as most folk want to belong to the herd, the masses
so the moment they leave their safe happy brainwash bubbles after they ” woke up” they jump right back into it in the truth movement
back into the penn again
that s how it works as most folk dont truly wake up
Voting for agenda 21 , this ” climate chaos” nonsense , is served to the public as being on the right track etc
while the play right in the agenda of the guys who dreamed that one up
I only talk about that hoax because you will soon have to face the consequences
as you already have encountered ….
mild ones
but still
as we go through times of incredible deception
it is not easy to keep balanced
as almost everything that is supposed to be good is not so good
Maybe it is best if he , the maker, gives his side of the story of how and in what quantities he uses the materials
before we start to “gamble” with the concept
we can try what it does naturally
just mix in some of the portland cement in this case a mixture of limestone, silica, and gypsum if I undestand it correctly
as there are many types of portland cement and see what comes out of it
easy to do and cheap too
I love cheap and powerful methods
I do have a good feeling about it
never really felt the need to incorporate that into the plaster of paris
but I dont think it will hurt either
will give for sure a stronger finish
and a special worn look
I think it is a nice idea
the idea does work this connection part of it
tested that myself and it is very powerful
did it a couple of times during gifting trips
as I ran out of energy tools
and wanted to increase the output
and I thought ah why not let s give it a try
see what it does
yes very powerful it was
this making it connect to other pieces
so instead of a chemtrail checkerboard you create a life force checkerboard
to put it that way for lack of a better description
Actually when I did that, that connecting aspect , I found out a lot
some of it is outragious so wont mention it here
but it is powerful
good line of thought
why not
maybe start slowly , let s say once a week or so
on a saturday evening or so
does not have to be long
it took me a few minutes to get the party going
just let me know what time and I ll be ready
you know , this what we call plasterite, whatever the name , it s just a label, we dont understand all of it probably never will but we know already a lot of it
like these dolmen things all over the place, lots of things hidden still
just tapping in to it , first layers
thank you for your thinking
it is something that has become very rare if we look around us
there is no thinking almost
just spouting slogans given to them to prattle about you see