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Terry is , as usual, on the ball
Yes Jenn
truth sucks
but it is still the truth
the big ” truth movement groups” are taking over controlled by the system
and any truth speakers, the little guys and girls , that s us, are screwed in the process
it is as simple as that
it is very simple once you see through the scams and cons
it is very simple but most folk don’t think and I keep repeating it
over and over again
most folk follow groups and leaders
500 climate laws , yep it s flogging time soon folks
big time
smart meters, inspectors, welcome to New World Order
coming to a street near you soon
The green soviet is taking over
yep it is so simple to understand
but the brainwash is very efficient and most folk simply dont want to hear
So Duncan Stewart is a paid rioter..paytriot…wink…a puppet promoting the agenda
he even has his own lovely gifs on Twitter..look…
the green Mafia…the depopulation…all these connected agendas
a low level control freak who starts pushing folk around who don t bow down to dictatorship
in this case literally
how do we respond to this shit with the risk of losing our table manners and etiquette at the same time…
he is not even a good psychopath
like Blair or so , he would have talked himself out of it
going along with Terry and ten minutes later, on stage, would do the opposite, 180 degree turn…and just keep promoting the hoaxes like we do not even exist
But Mr Stewart does not possess those qualities
So the system even refuses to put some qualified psychopaths on top of the movements now
they just don’t bother anymore
they will flog us anyway so why the effort , right?
they don’t even have the decency to use a new sharp whip for us
no no
too good for us
use an old one
on a side note, another term for Taser is …hold on…. cattle prod
does that not make you laugh , not just a little bit…it does make me laugh a bit
again, right out of the club of Rome, one of the main NWO think tanks
humans are the problem
they don’t mean all humans , they mean the 99 per cent , again
that s us, again
a stooge, a con man, a faker
he fakes you all LOL
consider yourself all faked
as scum like Duncan and all those other sellouts will soon be pushed to the top
the new regional leaders
get used to it…
and most folk, as you know, the gmo hamburger X file watching cattle, will go along , as usual…
even worse, they will attack anyone who speaks out bad for not going along
“pulling their weight”
this whole NWO thing to me looks like a massive overrated B movie
no that s not a blue movie, you wish…. that s something else , I mean a second class movie, silly and full of nonsense and bad acting, like our Duncan here, but most folk just eat it up
without thinking
they think it s all real
we are just being steamrolled over , t hat s how it is
they don’t even pretend to listen to the public anymore
they never really listened but at least they pretended to do so
now they check their mail while you do a speech
you see, J, we are all ” climate change deniers” at least in the way the system wants us to believe in it
that s us causing it bla bla bla
it will be , if it not already is , the new hate speech
like ” holocaust denier”
that s how propaganda works
efficiently you see
very pragmatic
has nothing to do with any sort of truth whatsoever but who cares
as long as it s on TV it must be true right?
and now the few real protesters , those who are not on some payroll or spouting an agenda by their masters are , literally, pushed out of the picture.
yes Duncan is one of those “greenies” those Marxists serving fascist masters , it s just a game
for us it is a bit more realistic as we are the collateral damage in this chessgame
the pawns get whipped out first
I do understand that part of it as the greenies , like the other sell outs, greenpeace and all that hoopla, don’t like to hear about geo engineering
it does not suit their agenda
no no
not allowed
Humans are the problem
that s the mantra and everybody not sticking to that agenda is flushed out
as the greenies will soon get golden seats in panels you see
doing their masters bidding
flogging you eternally
into submission
cutting off energy to older folk who can no longer pay bills
thousands every year
don’t say you don’t know
we all know
and that s just the start of it
they got some surprises for us I bet
good of Terry to touch on techniques like the smart meter
that s a biggie
the ” smart ” meter
everyting ” smart” is pure NWO
whenever you heart the new SLOGANS, like ” sustainability” or Millenium project
or environmentalism
you just need to know one thing, you are in the process of being “faked”
as “faking” is the new F word LOL
or ” Fluffed” yes we are all being ” fluffed” massively … emergency/
so it is all just a game to them
controlling the planet
and those few who can still think are called nutters
because we don’t have a share in their power , it is their system and therefor it cannot change
it is rotten and corrupt by design, it s meant to be that way, it is not a glitch or mistake
it is the way it has been set up to be
how it must be
they will never give real folk media exposure, for heavens sake
that way we cannot even address the topics properly
they control it all
now we understand why the media moguls are such big players in this whole thing
Hollywood, giving people their opinions, political correctness, this mind control thing again
oh you better not touch upon that mate, oh you better not speak out about that hun
that sort of stuff
Environmental ‘Angels’
By Jim Rarey
Readers of Medium Rare articles, compared to the average person, are quite knowledgeable about the NWO crowd and specifically how its enforcement arm, the CIA operates. However many with similar understanding have failed to apply that knowledge to the “environmental movement.”
The major environmental organizations have either been taken over by the NWO crowd, or were set up by them. Let’s look at just three of those organizations, the Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Sierra Club and Green Cross.
First a distinction must be made between those persons who see the reality of the environment being destroyed by mankind and are eager to do something about it. These comprise the vast majority of the membership in both organizations. But an in depth analysis of those who control the funding and programs of these organizations tells a different story.
The Nature Conservancy is by far the largest environmental organization in terms of assets. It has amassed over $3 billion dollars. The Washington Post ran a three-part series on TNC exposing its actions and programs as comparable to the most rapacious of the corporations it hypocritically denounces.
If you look at the Board of Directors of TNC you will see it is stacked with members who are, or were, affiliated at the highest levels with investment banks and multi-national corporations. A few examples:
Chairman of the TNC Board, Anthony Grassi, is the former CFO of CS First Boston, a subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Both UBS and First Boston are notorious launderers of dirty money including narcotics and American taxpayer dollars stolen by the Russian mafia (formerly known as the KGB). UBS purchased Enron’s oil and gas trading subsidiary in that bankruptcy and took all the records outside of U.S. jurisdiction.
Director Alfred Berkeley was president of NASDAQ and a managing director of Alex Brown & sons. ãBuzzyä Krongard former head of Alex Brown (which is the investment arm of Deutch Bank) resigned in 1998 to become Executive Director of the CIA. Alex Brown made a financial killing in the trading of put options in United Air Lines (UAL) the days just prior to 9/11.
Director Yolanda Kakabadse received the “Golden Ark” award from Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands. Bernhardt (of Royal Dutch Shell) was the organizer and chairman at the first meeting of the Bilderbergers.
Director Henry M. Paulson was Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs.
Looking at other directors, you find CEO’s and directors from a number of gas and oil energy companies.
The Sierra Club:
The Sierra Club itself is the public persona of the Sierra Club Foundation, which controls all the funds and the funding of programs.
The foundation was set up in 1960. The original trustees include a list of relatively unknown outdoor enthusiasts and conservationists and one William Egan Colby. At the time, Colby was a CIA Station Chief in Vietnam.
The real powers on any board of directors or trustees are the “rainmakers’ i.e. the ones who bring in the money. Colby certainly was that with his contacts (through the CIA) with large corporations and foundations.
Colby was the first recipient of the Sierra Club’s “prestigious” John Muir award in 1961. At the time Colby was directing the CIA’s infamous Phoenix Program, which assassinated between 20,000 and 60,000 South Vietnamese suspected of collaborating with the Viet Cong. Colby said it was around 20,000. Other estimates place it at closer to 60,000. Colby later became director of the CIA and a member of the CFR.
Another “environmental” organization gaining prominence is Green Cross International. Green Cross was set up by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993 one year after he joined (by invitation) the CFR. Of course “Gorby” is the former head of the Soviet KGB, chairman of the Soviet Communist Party and Premier of the USSR. He still maintains he is working for “democratic” socialism.
On his board of “advisors” for Green Cross, (he is in sole control) Gorbachev has such luminaries as Ted Turner, Robert Redford and Yoko Ono. But, as with the Sierra Club, the real power is in the Gorbachev Foundation of North America. The most prominent American director on its board is John Deutch former Director of Central Intelligence. Deutch is currently a director of CityGroup and CMS (among other corporations). CMS is a Michigan Corporation (oil and gas) that was caught in fraudulent trades ala Enron. He also is a professor at MIT working with MITRE Corporation. MITRE is a spinoff from MIT that currently is furnishing the CIA with pilotless robot planes used in assassinations and for other purposes. Over the last several decades, one of the CIA’s favorite methods of assassination appears to be causing the crash of small planes. With the recent advances in EMP weaponry, it is no longer necessary to sabotage the planes or shoot them down. Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) can, from a distance, fry a plane’s electronics causing it to drop to earth like a rock.
Some of the relatively recent suspicious deaths in small plane crashes are: John Denver whose “experimental” plane crashed. The NTSB has not determined the cause. As with other crashes, no mention is made of looking at the electronics of the plane. The officials look for “mechanical” failures or pilot error.
Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan, who was running against John Ashcroft for senator, died when his small plane crashed in late October of 2000, just a couple of weeks before the election. The current governor promised to appoint Carnahan’s widow if her deceased husband won the election which he did. (We may have been better off with Ashcroft in the senate than as Attorney General.)
And then of course there was Paul Wellstone. The cause of that crash is still a “mystery.”
The point is that any person with high public visibility who becomes a threat to the agenda of the CFR/NWO crowd, or stands in the way of one of their stooges, would be well advised not to fly in any small planes. But figuring out who is a threat to them can be somewhat arcane.
It is not likely that someone who is pushing their agenda (whether or not he or she realizes it) would be considered a threat. That is, unless the person has finally realized he or she is being deceived (as Stalin called them, useful idiots) as to the true purpose of the agenda. If a popular person like a Robert Redford or Yoko Ono (or yes John Denver) were on the verge of denouncing programs previously supported, he or she would be an immediate candidate for elimination. This is not to say that any of the deaths mentioned above were of people who had awakened to the fact they were being used. But the small plane deaths are typical of CIA black operations.
So what is on the current environmental agenda of the NWO crowd?
Number one on the agenda in the United States and other parts of the industrialized world is the mantra “sustainable development.” This is nothing more than establishing centralized government control of land use, industrial plants and movements of populations.
Other tactics meant to stampede the public into accepting these controls include:
Global warming. A hoax perpetrated by the media with pronouncements from NWO controlled institutes and foundations and “scientists” dependent on grants from government and the foundations.
We had the earth summit in Brazil organized and chaired by Canadian oil and energy billionaire Maurice Strong.
There is the “earth charter” drafted by a panel chaired by Stephen Rockefeller.
There are a number of other “programs” sponsored and pushed by the same people, e.g. the Kyoto Treaty. We have tried to show with just a smattering of examples, it is these very people who (behind the scenes) are funding and pushing these programs as a means of gaining control of the world’s resources and populations. It is only when a person threatens to expose the true agenda that they become a target of their enforcement arm (the most efficient assassination organization ever assembled) the CIA. (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.) Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety. The author is a freelance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is a former newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs administrator and accountant, and a student of history and the U.S. Constitution.
in simple terms, again, you are all being ” faked” non stop
the sustainability agenda
but how can you explain that to the sheeple as they are addicted to their , there it comes, smart ….phones..LOL
they just play with us
here, more propaganda crap
In Part 1, Duncan and Dr Mann talk about #climate change and how it will affect Ireland and also Ireland’s responsibility to drastically reduce emissions and prove that reducing emissions is compatible with a growing economy.
Duncan Stewart
Dr Micheal Mann
Dublin 2015
you see we are all bad because we still breath, bad for the planet you see
we are so bad
oh we are such a ” burden for the planet”
with our little cars, little houses and no money , it is us , of course it is us
how dare I doubt that ?
one way I see it is to get off the chessboard
because we cannot stop this with the tools given by the system
that wont happen
let s be at least honest about that part of it
even a side topic like Monsanto cant be stopped
and that s just a side topic
this is the real bitch in the house
the Mother Bitch so to speak
Yes, Geo Engineering, playing god with the weather is the big stick
believe you me
it s the big stick
ties in with austerity
post industrialism, service economy all that crap