Reply To: Dreams & Plasterite

Forums Orgoniteplus Personal Health Dreams & Plasterite Reply To: Dreams & Plasterite


Anna, in one of the book I read long time ago, the lady mention that for every pound of crystal you broadcast 100 miles what ever intention you may have written, but you will have to surround the crystal with a string of lapis or lapis and clear quartz mix (like a necklace). what she meant is if you have a crystal that weight 10 pound ; your intent , that you would have written on a piece of virgin paper, will be broadcasted 1000 miles, if your crystal weigh 5 pound it will broasdcast 500 miles.
So I consider Shiva Lingam a crystal, and I have one here that weigh about 80 pound; I write what ever peaceful intents that I like (a few hundred time) on a piece of paper and put that under the crystal, put the Lapis/quartz string around , and here I am broadcasting 8000 miles :o :o :o
I do not know the percentage of effectiveness, but if I get just one percent: I am that much further ahead, especially if you have many big crystals and you do that to all of them :lol: :lol:
If you have a one pound or two pound crystal: 100 or two hundred miles is already quite good
You can easily get the Lapis with the hole in it, so to make necklace, as well as the clear quartz
This is very good medicine
I have made an essence of crystal, just take what ever crystal you like, put them in water in the sun for a few day and use that instead of real crystals, (the crystals like that a whole lot better), this gives you a homeopathic strength of the crystals that we may not get with the real one, and I use 1/4 cup in my Plasterite mix
Good luck